Why do you workout?

I workout to stay healthy and live a longer life. My parents both were overweight and died of cancer (within one month of each other) There is so much information coming out about the link between cancer and obesity and I hope that by adopting healthier habits I will have the privlege of living a long life! I also want to be a positive role model for my children. My two year old always gets out my excercize mat when he sees me watching a Cathe video!
Hi Sandra,
What an excellent thread you started!!! When I first started exercising as a kid I hated it with a passion because I was very overweight and was forced to by my parents in addition to going to WW for kids!!! Then in my teens and early twenties it was to try to achieve the perfect body. It is just in the last 2 or 3 years that I have really truly fallen in love with exercise and now that I've discovered Cathe exercise is like breathing, I just do it and can't imagine ending the day without it. I love how exercise makes me feel so strong...physically, mentally and spiritually! Exercise makes me feel centered and calms all the craziness in my head:7 :+ If I go without working out for more than 2 days I feel like I turn into the Tazmanian Devil! I love how exercise, especially Cathe workouts, constantly challenges me to get out of my comfort zone and achieve levels I never thought I could reach:7 ! Of course I want to look good as well, I would be lying to myself if I didn't admit that much, but it's all the other reasons above that really give me such a passion for working out. Sandra, I know exactly what you mean about wanting to "look" as fit as you "feel", I feel the EXACT same way! Cathe came along for me just in time because now for the first time in a VERY LONG TIME, I feel like I am just starting to look as fit as I feel. Tonight in my step class 3 different people came up to me and told me that I looked like I lost a lot of weight and I look really great...do you have any idea how incredibly good that made me feel?? LOL, I think I floated not walked out of the gym tonight!! I'm still on cloud 9:7 ! Of course I still see lots of areas to improve, especially the lower body but I just need to remember those compliments. Well that about sums it up for me! I just want to thank Cathe so much for helping me achieve fitness levels I didn't think I had in me to reach:7 :7 !

I have just answered this further up on the listings on this board under Joni's post on depression and exercise. OK?

>Tonight in my step class 3
>different people came up to me and told me that I looked like
>I lost a lot of weight and I look really great...do you have
>any idea how incredibly good that made me feel?? LOL, I think
>I floated not walked out of the gym tonight!! I'm still on
>cloud 9:7 !

Kudos to you, Sandy!! That is terrific! I often wonder where I would be, health-wise, had I not stumbled across Cathe. I have yet to find any other form of exercise, or even step/strength instructors, who keep me as interested and challenged as Cathe does. I was also excited to see that Cathe's new facility invested so much money in creating a studio specifically for filming videos - that means she intends to keep on making them, doesn't it? :) :)

Thanks Sandra!!:7 I totally agree with you, with the exception of my one instructor for powerflex and step I can't seem to find anyone else other Cathe who can motivate and challenge me like that! Oh don't worry, I think she will be making us cry out in pain for a very long time}( }( !! I can't wait to see those pictures:7 ! And to think all of this started while just innocently channel surfing before going to bed....talk about stumbling right onto a gold mine!! Well I hope everyone's answers gave you food for thought, I know it definitely did for me. I'm so glad you started this thread!

Take care!
My mother in law lived with my family for the last five years of her life. I took care of her. Brittle bones, arthritis, cholesterol, blood pressure and other things plagued her. I just don't want to end up like that. She wasn't a burden on me as I was privlaged to have her, I learned alot. However, I never want to burden my children with poor health. That is my main motivation. However I do enjoy my DH telling my that none of his ex's ever looked as good as I do:) My teenage daughter is battling a minor weight problem and I want to set the example for both my daughters, another reason. I also want to be a FUN grandma someday, the kind with energy! I really believe that staying in good health physically is important for mental acuity in our later years. There are so many reasons that I could just go on and on but the main reason is my mother in law. If you have ever visited a nursing home, well, many of us can avoid or delay that by exercising and eating well.
Good question. Part of why I workout is vanity, but the main reason is I love to sweat and feel worked out. I love the energy and strength it gives me. I see women as they get older loose their stamina and I don't want that to happen to me.

It has been a part of my lifestyle for years! I remember being a young teenager and waiting for my parents to do their Saturday shopping so I could play music really loud and do aerobics all over the house--the couch, the chairs--all were areas to leap on.
I did it for the effect on the body (more about shapliness as a young hottie --LOL) Now I am an on-the-verge-of-40-"hottie" and I'm still in it for the body, but also for the parts you don't see (heart, lungs, joints). I know I'm in better condition than the people I work with who are in their mid-20s. I like being strong and having energy. I also work in a medical field where I see what happens to bodies when they are under-used, abused and broken down...scary.
It's also nice to know that just about every one of you in Cathe-land has a need to workout on a daily basis;) It's my "other job"--the one I can't retire from!!

I have been working out regularly for many years now and the reasons have changed as I've gotten older, but primarily:

1. (original reason) To be able to eat what I want, when I want!

2. For the compliments!

3. To keep up with my kids!

4. To relieve stress and to help with a minor depression mode that I tend to fall into from time to time. When I'm exercising regularly I mentally feel great; when I fall off the band wagon for a few days, I'm very moody!
Great question!

I started working out in high school. Anyone remember "Morning Stretch"? Joannie Greggins was a hoot. Then I tried the Jane Fonda high impact killer workout. What a waste.

Started running end of high school and enjoyed it in college. Three kids, 40 pounds later and I was ready for a change.

My reasons for working out have evolved from a desperate need to look like a model, to preventing myself from being disabled as a senior.

Now I am addicted to feeling strong! I love seeing what my body can learn to do and i relish feeling some degree of control in an uncontrollable world!

I have enjoyed learning what it takes to get a body into shape and keep it there.

Peace everyone!

My endeavers started around 20 plus years ago when my grandmother came to visit and went to see a doctor because of a hoarse voice and cough. They immediately put her in the hospital where she died while visiting. It was such a shock. I was very close to her. Having had uterine cancer myself and having three small children I decided to do everything I could. I read every nutrition book I could get from the library and started exercising. I jumped rope and did records. Some of us still know what those are. My mother had had tumors. My grandmother had had breast cancer in the past. I also had a great discovery. Exercise gives me a whole lot more energy so I can play with my grandchildren. I keep them when parents are working and really enjoy finding new fun things to do with them. Also there are bonuses as to my appearance.
Diane Sue

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