Why do I still care so much about high school?

I know in a way how you feel -- I wasn't overweight in high school, but did gain a significant amount after high school. My 25 year reunion is set for next year and I really want to look great (since I am very close to being at my weight when I was in high school -- after a lot of hard work!). I went to my 5, 10, 15 and 20 year reunion and noticed that over time, even the really "skinny" people weren't so skinny anymore. Hopefully you will go to your reunion and find out that you look fantastic compared to all the other people who were "not so nice" back the then. You might be really surprised about how people change over time.

Congratulations on your weight loss -- you'll have to post some pictures of your reunion when you go -- we want to see how fabulous you look!
You are all so sweet! Thanks for the encouragement. I will be sure to get some pics taken!
8 days and counting!
Clarissa, I understand you completely. I am proud of you for your accomplishments. It, more than likely, has not been easy to get where you are now and you have worked hard. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be recognized for your hard work, determination and perseverance. People hold award ceremonies all of the time for that very purpose. I admire people like you. You know, it is not easy to stay fit these days when we have unhealthy food all around us and as women we sometimes have to deal with curve balls such as pregnancies, depression, divorce, you name it there are alot of things that could have side tracked you in your quest to become a personal trainer but nonetheless you have arrived and I bet you look HOT!! You go girl! I am sure there will be more than 3 people that will want to know how you look so good and may even want to train with you. That is a wonderful gift that you have to offer the world. How many people can say that? You are proud of you accomplishments and you should be! My advice to you is find the prettiest dress and Have your "Chin up" on the night of your reunion;-)

I'm sorry you went through all of that. It's funny, though because sometimes the people who were doing the teasing, grow up to be... ummm not so nice looking anymore.

I went to a baptism party a few weeks ago and my husband pointed out out this couple and asked me what I thought of them. I was shocked because they looked horrible. I didn't believe him when he told me they were the most popular couple at his high school 16 or so years ago. Most popular jock and head cheerleader...they look so bad now. They look old, overweight and just haggard now. Shocking, and they're a few years younger than me.

You should definitely go and knock their socks off!
First I want to congratulate you on all your hard work it as paid off and you should be so proud of yourself!

I don't think what you are feeling is wrong or not normal. I think its a normal reaction to a very difficult childhood. Kids are cruel and highshool can be rough.
Im willing to bet when you are at your highschool reunion the tables will have turned. People that you knew in school that were fit, healthy and popular have let themselves go and the guys that wouldn't date you are now bauled and drooling over you!
Be proud of what you have accomplished! Show them that you aren't the young insecure girl you once were. Instead you are a fit, healthy, happy and successful women! You may not get over what happened in highschool but I think going there and hearing comments will give you some kind of closure b/c right now you want them to know what you look like and rub it in their faces!!!!! Letting them know that their comments didn't sprial you into a life of obesity and depression maybe just what you need. You need to let them see for themselves that they didn't bring you down or destroy your spirits!
Let us know what happens! When is the reunion?

It is in 6 days - the Sat after Thanksgiving! Yeah baby! I am ready!
Thanks again everyone for the encouraging words. And PS - since I am on the planning committee, it is true that the most popular girls are now quite heavy (unhealthily heavy in fact) but I would never say anything to them. Actually I feel bad for them b/c one in particular looks very unhappy every time I see her. She actually even said that she might not go. I think this is typical...

In my mom's graduating HS class of 67, her head cheerleader/prom queen never went to one reunion to this day b/c after high school she gained massive weight when she had babies and feels very sad. My mom is friends with her; she is just too embarrassed to go b/c she feels like she needs to be at the same standard she always was. Oh well - maybe it works both ways.

Thanks again,
Clarissa :)
I have to be honest.. I have had this same quesion come up recently.
I was whining to my boyfriend about going to my reunion in a few years and not being able to say that i had my own business and made lots of money each year. He bitched to me asking why I even cared what they thought.. and it got ME to thinking..
If i went to my reunion and couldn't say that I was happily married and a mother of three.. I wouldn't care. If I couldn't say that I worked for a big ,multi-million dollar company and had benefits and worked in a cubical all day.. I wouldn't care... because I don't want any of that for myself.
But if I couldn't say that I owned my own hair salon and clothing shop then I would be ashamed. The reaoson is because, similar I would supposse to the Saturn return, many of us view events such as our reunions as a checklist and time line of what we have accomplished in life. "Have we accomplished any goals we had set for our 20's?", deadline would be th 10 year reunion. Then there are goals you set when you'r ein your 30's and so on.
When we know we are going to run into an old boyfriend or whatever we get nervouse if we don't look a certain way or are living a cartain lifestyle.. not because we are envaloped in what someone we barely know thinks of us, but because it makes us re-think about if we have reached our own personal goals in life. It makes us look at the things that we always wanted and if we haven't gotten them, it makes us think about what we should be doing instead of what we ARE doing, to make those dreams come true.
If you look good and you want to show off at the reunion.. it's a great pat on the back because YOU reached a goal that YOU had for yourself.. most likely not a conscious goal or deadline, but you did reach the deadline. The deadline can be any time mark that means somehting to you.. makes you look at yourself and re-examine your life and makes you look at what you've done with yourself compared to what you would like to be doing.
I have started to hustle thinking about if I would be proud to tell others of my accomplishments.. meaning am I proud of myself for what I have done over the years?
I think I have gotten lazy and lost sight of my goals lol.. but that reunion.. even if I decide not to go, has woken me up to focusing again on them :)

Because you were hurt, you're wanting to show them your achievement...maybe deep inside you're still wanting their approval? What you may find though is....most of them are a tight 14 now...if not larger! haha! (Life is ironic that way...haha). I couldn't help but think about my ex's comments years ago. I am 5'10 and when I was married to him I weighed about 125-142 lbs (the 142 was after our daughter was born). I asked him once what he'd do if I ever "got fat" and he said he would leave me! I couldn't believe it...and NOW (that I've been divorced from him for 12 years and remarried a wonderful loving man,) the ex has come back into my life to visit the child he gave away years ago - and he is ENORMOUS! He also married the babysitter shortly after our divorce, and she is a very big gal too. I know I sound critical, and I'm so sorry about that, but after beating myself up for years thinking I wasn't good enough for anyone, this is how it turns out. It's ironic!

:) :) :)
Reese that is so sad. But yes it is all ironic! Haha! I am glad you found someone to love you for who you are.

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