I was overweight in high school. I was not obese...I was a tight 14 or so, proportioned, hour-glass type shape. Not in sports, tried out for cheerleading, everyone laughed at me in tryouts - I was really good actually, but I was a joke to them, and they let me know...
Sometimes people would whisper about me and call me names to my face AND behind my back. It was really bad, but I don't need to go into the day-to-day detail b/c it still hurts. In fact, I was so depressed about my weight that I had "bad" thoughts if you know what I mean. B/c I didn't overeat...I just had a poor diet and slow metabolism (I guess).
Anyway, you all know the story that I lost all this weight 8 years ago and now I am a certified personal trainer.
My 10 year reunion is next weekend! YEah baby! But why do I want to show off so much? I mean seriously, I am not arrogant as a person - I am always kind and caring and deep down inside I still feel like that chubby girl, but what IS it about me that wants to go in there and show them my size 4 body and toned arms? I have been tanning, over-dieting for a month, trying new hairstyles, and I have bought several dresses, and then I keep returning them for something better. I mean you would think I am trying out for some competition. Why do I care so much what I look like for this reunion? Will I ever get over the hurt feelings that I once experienced?? What I experienced changed my whole life, yes for the better, but am I being too vain about this?? Thanks for listening, Clarissa
Sometimes people would whisper about me and call me names to my face AND behind my back. It was really bad, but I don't need to go into the day-to-day detail b/c it still hurts. In fact, I was so depressed about my weight that I had "bad" thoughts if you know what I mean. B/c I didn't overeat...I just had a poor diet and slow metabolism (I guess).
Anyway, you all know the story that I lost all this weight 8 years ago and now I am a certified personal trainer.
My 10 year reunion is next weekend! YEah baby! But why do I want to show off so much? I mean seriously, I am not arrogant as a person - I am always kind and caring and deep down inside I still feel like that chubby girl, but what IS it about me that wants to go in there and show them my size 4 body and toned arms? I have been tanning, over-dieting for a month, trying new hairstyles, and I have bought several dresses, and then I keep returning them for something better. I mean you would think I am trying out for some competition. Why do I care so much what I look like for this reunion? Will I ever get over the hurt feelings that I once experienced?? What I experienced changed my whole life, yes for the better, but am I being too vain about this?? Thanks for listening, Clarissa