Why can't I lose weight?


Active Member
I do 45 min. of cardio in the morning and I run 4 miles in the afternoon 6 days a week. I weight train for 20-30 min. 6 days a week. I think my diet is pretty clean. For breakfest I have a protein shake, for snack I eat an apple and a few triscuits, for lunch I eat a garden buger with tomatos, onions, and peppers and some fruit, for snack I eat cereal or some fat free popcorn, and for supper I eat chicken, rice or pasta, and veggies. What am I doing wrong. I need to lose about 8 lb. Please help!!
I am not Cathe,

but it seems to me that you are either not eating enough,

or you simply do not need to lose any weight. 8 lbs is not a big deal, not even a dress size. Maybe your body is happy the way it is?
Here's my thoughts: try replacing the veggie burger with lean animal protein, the veggie burger while healthy is gonna be more carbs so could be some extra animal protein would help. Also try decreasing cardio some and increasing weight training some.

Sometimes a few little changes like that will make all the difference.

Hi Edith! Sounds like you've been really listening to me. You go girl! Great advice you gave her. Kathy;)
I don't know if this is true in your case, but I've heard that when you don't eat enough, you don't lose weight because your body fights it.

It might be worthwhile for a week or two to calculate the calories you eat and use up through exercise.

I'm doing Weight Watchers, I work out less than you and I eat more than you are by the sounds of it(and I'm in the lowest points range) and I'm losing weight. I think that with all the working out you're doing, you're not eating enough. Do you ever feel hungry?

Sorry to be a downer, but I think this question belongs in the Open Forum. Cathe asked just a few weeks ago that if the questions were not specifically for her to answer, then to use the open forum.
Jessica -- if you need to lose weight and are exercising that much and eat that little, your body is definitely in hold-on-to-that-stuff mode. Please consider exercising less and relaxing more, to balance your hormones.

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