why cant i do fast feet shuffle..


I can do it if i stay in place. But i cant do the straddle move with the shuffle! I can sort of do it to go around the step. Am i missing something?
I do the same I avoid doing it while moving because I'm afraid I will trip. And I have a couple times before! :).
Same here. I just stay in one place. I'm not a fan of turning around or changing directions... so I just shufle in place.
I can do the straddle taps and FF shuffle, but, I look like an elephant. I'm a bit better at the FF shuffle when I shift my center of gravity back(just discovered this this week, in fact!).
I think maybe I don't have the "fast-twitch" muscle fibers like Cathe does. That's my best explanation! Or maybe I am just uncoordinated? I also heard it might have something to do with really tightening your core when you do these.

I'd like to know the secrets to moving my legs faster!:eek:
Great post, I finally got it down after 5 years of trying and giving up. Do it as if you're power walking fast with your arms going naturally in motion. Dont look at your feet or think about it too much. I did it last time I did HiIT 30/30.
Try it on the ground first, too.
It would be cool if Cathe had a "moves 'xplained" section, so correct me if I'm wrong ...

fast feet...both feet as in Drill max hit the floor/board at the same time, this requires a good bit of core strength & will help develop same, the more you do it. I did mine like a high knees jog for a while until I got it. Same with Imax 2, and I forget what else has fast feet shuffle straddling the board, start with toe on board, one on floor, there again, takes core strength to shift the two left right. When your only hearing one sound as both feet hit, you've got it!

Just keep at it...:)
I can't do it either. I twisted my ankle very very badly one time doing one of her step routines because I'm apparently step-challenged. Took me months to get over it. :confused: So now I do very little step, and when I do have to do it (like in high-step challenge or drillmax), I just do it the way I can do it. As long as you're getting your heart rate up, I think it's fine to modify. It's better than doing moves you're unsure of and injuring yourself like I did!
I can do it if i stay in place. But i cant do the straddle move with the shuffle! I can sort of do it to go around the step. Am i missing something?

One other tip, some of Cathe's Hi/Lo in CTX & Step, Jump, & Pump also require that core strength, you could mix things up with those, if you can't do it all, do every other, or as many as you can do, the more you do them, the better it gets.:)
Oh my heck!!! I know what you mean. It took me forever to get that fast feet shuffle move in Step Blast. I got sooooo frustrated. I finally got it and was on a high that day.
for me, I was keeping my weight on my heels and I put my weight on my feet. best to use your core to the max and keep moving.
Glad to hear I am not the only one...I have liitle coordination to begin with, fast feet shuffle totaly messes me up...plus I sound like a herd of elephants :)
AHH- the wonderful fast feet straddle shuffle- I can't do it in my home gym because I use plyometric mats and the rubber doesn't allow a quick transfer shuffle (I seem to "stick" when doing the straddle shuffle) I can do the regular fast feet shuffle facing the step and staying in place.

Whenever I go to the studio at the local gym I have no trouble doing any of the shuffles and pivot turns on the wonderful, bouncy, floating wood floor. Many times the participants in my step class will catch me about 15 minutes before class happily straddle shuffling away with 2 risers under my step- dreaming of the day I can put a similar floor into my workout room at home. Maybe the flooring in your workout area has something to do with the speed and transfer?
If you are on the left side of the step, you have to jump up on the step and land with all your weight on the right foot (lt foot flat). On the left foot you are on your lt toe. Next count shift your wt to your lt foot (on the rt you are on your toe, bearing little to no weight on the toe). Shift back and forth, bearing the weight on the flat foot. The other toe helps with balance.

It may help to think of shifting your hips. Stick one hip way out, then the other. Your weight follows your hip. Put all your weight in the "out" hip. Try this a while, bouncing back and forth and the feet sort of naturally follow along.

Once you get it, its loads of fun!
I also find that it helps to squat down low, bending your knees, weight back. Then the action is more bringing your knees UP than having more weight to shuffle side to side.
I'm another one who can do it in place but can move around the step. Also I feel pretty elephant like when I do it. :D

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