Why aren't I sore at all?


I've been doing strength training for about 6 years. I started a S&H rotation a few weeks ago. I have not been sore once. I am working to failure by the last few reps of the last sets. I am lifting as heavy as I can.

Is this doing any good? Are there others out there who have been lifting weights a long time and don't get sore hardly ever? I feel like I'm wasting my time if I'm not sore. Can a muscle be challenged to grow and not be sore?

Please help remove some of my fears!!!
Hi I'm not Cathe. But, I just finished a S&H rotation and was not sore either. I pushed myself hard. From what others have said, the minute rest between sets allows some of the lactic acid to disperse causing less soreness. I have definately seen an increase in strength and can now do higher weights. Anyone else...
Hi Ellen! Are you feeling any soreness at all 24-48 hrs. after? I feel you should feel at least some soreness. I think your going to have up the weight even more (if you can) and see what happens. We have to lift the very heaviest that we possibly can manage w/this series of tapes. Try this and let us know what happens. Kathy
You should do a search for slow and heavy. I read on a few posts that people weren't sore and I believe Cathe addressed this and it did have to do with the long rest between sets.

I felt sore after doing calves. I hadn't been lifting for calves. That's it. And I was a little sore after working legs. It wasn't really sore in the legs it was more that feeling of having worked them.
I can't heavy up anymore I'm as heavy as I can go. On triceps I'm trying to get past 10 lbs, on biceps and delts I'm working on my 25 lbs. So I'm not lifting light. I'm using 50 lbs on the leg work and that's reaching failure on the last set.

Hopefully it's the long rests and my experience in lifting that is causing no lactic acid buildup. I am getting stronger, so I guess I'll use that as my guide.

>Well, at least it's a nice
>problem to have! As long
>as you're seeing shape changes
>and strength gains...

Well I'm on the 3rd week and I'm not seeing any shape changes. I am guessing that is too early to see any though.
Lactic acid buildup isn't the cause of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). While it is the cause of the immediate burn during the workout, lactic acid is neutralized very shortly after a particular exercise stops.

Leading theory on what causes muscle soreness following exercise is microtrauma--tiny tears in the muscle fibers. The tiny tears cause an inflammation, which causes pain. Sounds bad, but actually the tiny tears fill in with contractile protein. The fiber then has the ability to contract more forcefully. This is how a muscle grows.

Getting stronger and getting more muscular don't always go hand in hand. A muscle can get larger because of an increase in glycogen and water storage capacity and an increase in the connective tissue surrounding the individual fibers and the muscle as a whole. A muscle can get stronger without getting larger by the nervous system getting better at firing in a coordinated fashion, recruiting more motor units per contraction.

Some people will experience less in the way of pain (soreness) than others. Inflammatory responses are individual. But, if you're NEVER getting sore, you may need to vary your routine a bit. I've been strength training regularly for over 20 years, and I almost always have some degree of muscle tenderness following training--maybe not severe soreness, but I will feel something.
I am never sore after S&H either, even though I work hard and use weights that are heavy for me. I attribute it to the slow, steady break, the relatively short sets and the breaks with stretching.
hey i have been toing erobices srength traning since i was eight
its not unusual the only way you get sore is wen you use muscls
that you havent used in i long time its a good thing belive me
hey i have been toing erobices srength traning since i was eight
its not unusual the only way you get sore is wen you use muscls
that you havent used in a long time its a good thing believe me

see ya !

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