Why are we all fighting lately?


Seriously - what is up around here? It is making me feel strange. I like this forum - usually - because everyone is kind and helpful. Just wanted to know what is up..
Although I am a sensitive person and am extremely UNopinionated usually I just had to say something. The tone is reminding me of my Human Resources SHRM board...that is NOT a good thing, trust me! LOL

I hope you all have a fun, safe New Year!!

Clarissa :)
I have to admit that my first thought when Clarissa mentioned fighting was "Hey, where's that thread, I gotta read it." Like people who rubberneck at traffic accidents, I get a certain vicarious thrill from reading other people's fights. Weird. And yet I don't join in much. That is my confession for the day. Someone please grant me absolution.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
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Yes - you are right - I shouldn't have said "all" because that is inaccurate. Glad to know I am not the only one who feels it a bit though.

Yes - still a lot of love here, you are right!

Well, I've been a member of this board for more years than I care to remember. I don't take it seriously! Considering all the topics that are posted on the OD, you're bound to piss off someone eventually. If people choose to leave because they're highly offended when someone argues with them, regardless of the content, then that's their business. But a lot of it is much-ado-about-nothing, and because of that I'm not taking it seriously.
I've been around a long time too, and I've seen it before. It seems to go in cycles. Hopefully things will get back to normal again.
Agree that it has reminded me somewhat of the SHRM board, but feel it is very few that sometimes reply and are intentionally trying to be very opinionated or sometimes are just taken the wrong way.

Hopefully some of the issues are just venting from such a frustrating time of the year and maybe Tuesday will bring a "Happy New Year".

(AKA SunnyJ)
Every so often I find myself running into someone who feels very threatened that my opinion differs from theirs. The topic can be something to do w/ politics, religion, animal testing }( . I think there are people who feel threatened when not everyone sees things the same (their) way. Maybe they need the validation of others? And when they don't get it, they lash out? I'm no psychologist, so I'm just guessing here.
If I disagree w/ something someone has said, I've been known to change my opinion on severaloccasions.. I love a good debate and love living in a country where it's ok to voice a difference of opinion. That said, I think it's lousy when someone over-reacts and then attacks someone personally.
Hopefully, the new year will see us all behaving better. Let's be happy and if we're gonna fight, let's fight fair!
Happy New Year.
Valerie :)

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