Why am I not consistent w/eating clean?


I HATE this!! I do so well for a couple of weeks, and then BAM..I'm diving into pizza and granola bars! Has anyone else found it to be very hard to do? Is there something "magical" that happens after that 2 week mark? HELP, I'll take any and all suggestions!


IMO there is nothing wrong with pizza and granola bars, just not all the time! I know you know this already.:)

Nobody eats clean all the time. Even Cathe enjoys her Jim Dandy from Friendly's now and then (if you don't believe me, go over to her forum!). A Jim Dandy is an enormous ice cream sundae, if you didn't know.

I think you set yourself up to fail if you try for all clean, all the time. If I want pizza, I have one satisfying piece and a big salad. I happen to love, love granola bars (the Nature's Valley ones), so I crumble one up in a cup of healthy yogurt. If I want cake, I have a small piece, and I enjoy every bite.

Is it possible you're being too hard on yourself? Maybe, just maybe?
I agree with Natalie!! Even pro weight lifters and wrestlers (who usually are soooo strict) have strict days...some even once a week. You will "fail" if you never allow yourself to relax.

One thing, when you do have that pizza, really enjoy it! NO GUILT or it wouldn't be worth it. Then, get back on the horse the next day.
You are not 100% consistent with clean eating because YOU ARE HUMAN!!! Give yourself a break, girl! Unless you were raised from birth on a 100% CLEAN diet and know nothing else, I would not expect you to be able to eat clean on a CONSTANT basis. I know I sure don't and trust me I am still a very healthy individual! There is NOTHING wrong with eating the "bad" stuff in moderation. I know it keeps me sane, keeps me human, keeps me happy! Don't treat ANY food as FORBIDDEN. That will surely cause nothing but trouble. Eat everything you like...just keep the unhealthy foods limited and you'll be fine. :)
I think the only way I could eat clean 100% is if I were a horse and all I was fed was grass and hay.

And even then, I would hope my human would give me sugar cubes and ginger snap cookies. hee. ;)

Susan L.G.
What I do is I give myself a day where I eat what I crave... in moderation of course. I usually do it on Friday or Sunday. I give myself an extra 500 calories to do what I want with....sometime even more but never over 700. For some reason, setting the one day boundry keeps me from snacking the other 6 days a week. You can also plan that (snack) day for lets say a day you have a wedding to go to. That way you aren't going off your diet.
>>>>>>I think you set yourself up to fail if you try for all clean, all the time.

I absolutely agree with this.

There is research that shows that dieters are more successful when they have a SCHEDULED "free" meal, rather than a "ooops, I ate too much, so I'll make this my cheat meal."

The planning/scheduling of a free meal gave the dieter something to look forward to and removed the stigma of accidental "cheating" (i.e. "failing").

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