Who is the hottest actor?

Although Johnny Depp is my favotite, loved him since 21 Jumpstreet I'll mention some that haven't been mentioned;


Antonio Sabato Jr

John Travolta

Ving Rhames-love his voice!

and who could leave out Sean Connery, what that quote in "First Wives Club" "He's a hundred years old and he's still a stud!"

You know who I forgot to add and what a yummy receding hairline he has Julian McMann

I see your "yummy" Rebecca and raise you "yum yum"


You have to stay in shape. My grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
I have to admit I think Bruce Willis is pretty hot too. Maybe I like that he is older than me and still looks like a million bucks. Keanu Reeves is just smoldering with that deep, sultry voice of his. And he got his body into PERFECT shape for the Matrix. I usually like older guys, but you know who I thought was really cute? Toby McGuire in Spiderman & Spiderman II. It's probably the vulnerable, nerdy character that he plays, but I think he is absolutely irresistable in those movies.

Oh, wait a minute, I have to edit to mention Will Smith. He is just too cute! Ooops, that's another younger guy....
Nancy - I'm with you on the Will Smith thing. And he's such a nice family man! I love his rap music too. I can listen to it with my daughter in the car. Of course, I listen to Madonna's Erotica and some of the raunchier Prince with her in the car too. She's too young to catch the allusions...

Speaking of cute younger actors...I think that Elijah Woods is very cute. Those big baby blues!

We had this man in our office yesterday installing a phone line and he had the most beautiful blue eyes. I said something about him to the girl who works for me and she started laughing at me that I should build my own perfect man. "I'll take Elijah Woods eyes, Sayid's shoulders, Tom Selleck's legs..." Wouldn't it be awesome if you could do that?
Out of lurkdom I come, not for a fitness post, but for a "who is hot" post!!!

Here is my list:
Vince Vaughn (my my MY!)
Hugh Jackman
Hugh Grant
John Hannah (I think I actually saw someone else mention him, so I guess I am not the only one!!!)
Harry Connick Jr.
Ralph Fiennes
And if we are not taking into account their sexual preference, Rupert Everett!!!!!!!

Ahhh, now I'll have nice thoughts all afternoon!!!! : )
I think George Clooney and Brad Pitt are very attractive, but I don't care for their personalities when I hear what they have to say in interviews.

I loved Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall. I didn't see Troy, but maybe I should!:)

Yeah, my mom thinks that George Clooney is distinguished looking. I agree with Erica about the personality. Pitt seems more mature, though from what I read about the antics while on the Ocean's 12 set, I wonder about both.

I'm not sure about who I think is good-looking anymore. Some are, but after you hear what they have to say in an interview, they just don't seem attractive anymore.:-(
I totally get into Val Kilmer....."The Saint" Oh MY GOODNESS! I watch the love scenes over, and over again. Dougray Scott in "Everafter" pretty cute! And of course Viggo Mortensen! I'd go to Middle Earth any day of the week!

:p :p :p

Vincent D'Onofrio
Andy Garcia
KEifer Sutherland
the new head deamon on Charmed, Zankou named Oded Fehr
Jesse Medcalfe (desperate housewives)
Gary Oldman, oh he just makes me melt in dracula

Ryan Reynolds, seen blade trilogy? that boy got ripped!!!!

Durmott Mulroney (sp?) just saw previews for a new movie Wedding Date i think...he's looking fine

Oh Yes, ditto Alan Rickman sexiest voice of all!
Colin Firth in P&P
Hugh Grant was best looking in 3 weddings
Ciaran Hinds in Persuasion. Did you see the size of his HANDS?????
Susan G
>What antics on Ocean 12? what did i miss????

One incident that I heard about at Clooney's Italian villa involved a water balloon fight that got out of hand. Jennifer Aniston hit her head hard on a window frame. Also, Warner Bros issued a statement telling the cast and crew that they should not drink (alcoholic beverages) during filming ( I saw that notice). Seems things got out of hand - too much fun!! (Clooney apologized to the residents of the town in Italy where he has a villa for the noise and intrusions during the filming.)
The guy that played Reese in Terminator 1. I think his name was Michael Bien. He was so sexy and just my type in that movie.

~Reece Out~

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