Who doesn't want to get old???


I mean REALLY do not want to get old??? }( My friends laugh at me and tell me that it is going to happen but when I am in a crowded room I end up eyeing the older ladies and thinking.." oh geez...."
Then again I think I will change my mind as I get older.Because when I was about 20,we use to party alot. And I thought back then, man I hope this never ends.I can't imagine staying home on a Sat night and not doing anything.Now...I hate walking into a bar and I would like nothing more then to sit at home and watch a movie, its just not my cup of tea.
So we were at one party on Fri night and there were alot of older ladies there, Grandmotherly like...with saggy elbows and white hair:) And I could see myself in 50+ yrs:eek:
Then we had another one of Sat night and most of the women were in there 60's and while they were stylish and nice looking for their ages, they had short hair and 3 belly rolls.
Sorry is I am being a snot...but do I have to have short hair and belly rolls??? Is there another way around it? Can I keep my long hair and one belly roll when I am 80 and not have saggy elbows and veiny legs???? I guess I wouldn't make a very good grandmother would I? hahahaha
Anyone else feel like this? I use to have a fear of getting older when I worked at a beauty salon b/c there were alot of older women there.Now that I am not around them so much I don't think about it that often.
i used not want to get older until i hit 27 b/c i didn't think i would be the way i am at this age. now i look foward to 28,29,30,31, etc etc.

i don't think you would have saggy elbows and belly rolls if you keep up your fitness journey. who says all elder women have to have short hair?? not my hubby's step-grandma. i think i would kill her myself for cutting her long hair.

its all in the mind, you make it more or less of a big deal as you see it.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I already don't want to get old. I am seeing it and don't like ir.
I asked for a plastic surgeon for christmas next year.
I refuse to look like a wrinkled fat old hag.I think the sagging i am seeing in my face bothers me most.
I for 1 will do something about it.
Most ladies around here have short hair, and to tell you the truth, I have no idea what I will do with my head full of curls when I get older!
I don't think I would go under the knife.I will never say never but I have never had any kind of surgery...not even a broken arm! So I can't imagine that. Just hoping I will age gracefully! Or look like Sherly Crow on the cover of next monthes Shape Mag.I could deal with that:) :)
Well, Lori, as an old lady, I think I can tell you that it's not necessary to have short hair and belly rolls. However, it IS necessary to lose the elastin in your skin. That's the most difficult part on the appearance front, I think. The neck is the worst offender. No matter how great you look, that neck is going to give you up. So, if you want to worry about something, forget bellies and hairdos, and worry about that beautiful little neck of yours! }( <evil grin>

On the other hand, you can't know this yet, but when you're 50 you will find that appearances are not as important as they used to be. You will be accomplished in your field of work and you will have enough people who know you and love you that your reflection in the mirror will not be nearly as important as it is now. When you are young, the way you look is a far more important component of your identity because you don't have much else to really distinguish you. When you are older, you will be unique and special in other ways. So, honestly, there is really nothing to worry about. It just won't matter as much. Honest! :D

-Nancy who will be 50 in 2006 :eek:
Nancy, how beautifully stated and is so true. I had these feelings in my mid-30's when I began to see skin changes on my face I didn't like. Now at 44, I accept me for who I am. I am in better shape than I've ever been in my life so that helps.

Even though I still get those thoughts of worry about where I'll be in 5, 10, 15 years, I know time marches on no matter how much anxiety you have about it. So accept your current time in life, live it to the fullest and keep in mind, you will get older but isn't it better than the alternative.
Nancy, very well put, and I think you look fabulous! I'm 47 and looking forward to many more active years too.

oooh oooh ME ME ME. LOL I don't want to age ( I wouldn't say get old because that's just years)
Actually what I worry about most is changes in my body, like you do Lori. I'm actually afraid of having children because of the toll it will take on my body.

Lori, I'm with you this one but I'm also with Nancy and Kassia when it comes down to it too. I'm 27 now and not as worried about the way I look to anyone else. Just hoping to keep myself happy:D
I agree, Jane. Being in good shape sure does help. I've been exercising since my twenties, and with each passing decade I actually work out more and am in better shape than I was in the prior decade. My body craves exercise, and aside from increased lower back pain and having to be careful with deadlifts, it hasn't shown any signs of slowing down! :D

Lori, since you started so early, you'll be in fantastic shape when you're our age. And given your natural beauty, I'd wager you'll still be turning heads. But I doubt it will mean as much to you as it does now.
Thanks Jeanette! I think you look fabulous too. I'm sure there are a lot of 20-somethings who would be happy to have that bod of yours!
Frankly, I'm mildly offended by this. If you took a good look at any of the "old" ladies on this forum (and I'm including myself in that, at almost 42), you'd see that aging doesn't have to mean belly rolls and short hair. There are so many fine examples of older women right here in front of you, women who are beautiful and toned and fit. And who are also intelligent, witty and full of life. I'm not sure why you would choose to look at women who are obvious examples of how NOT to be when you've got a whole world of women here who are shining examples of how amazing it can be, if you're willing to make some effort.
My mother is a tribute to old. She is 72 and still walks 4+ miles per day.Even last week when the weather was 8 degrees.She does lift weights,light but definitely keeps the muscles toned. She has never done " aerobics " like we do but she has always kept busy. She still paints her own house, inside and out, mows her own lawn and bakes cookies for her Grandsons. She has always taken good care of her skin. No surgery, just sunscreen and daily care. I can't say she still looks 50 but when I am with her at church she never lacks for male attention. Wish I could say it was genetics alone but that would be just wishful thinking. Guess what I'm trying to say is I think you get back in the later years what you put into it every day now!:D
Well, I'm 50 and could have been mildly offended too but I just had to laugh at this post. I look better and am in better shape than I was at 30. I don't have belly rolls and my physicals are better than most 20 year olds. Yes, I have short hair but it flatters me much more than long hair. I still wear a bikini at the beach (DH insists) and shorts and tank tops all summer. I had some lipo done last year but it had nothing to do with age because I always had those problem areas.

I am so much wiser now and so much more comfortable in my own skin and have worked long enough in my career to make a damn good salary. Unlike Nancy, being physically attractive is important to me. It always will be I'm afraid.

I love being my age. I wouldn't go back to my 20's or 30's for anything! I would much rather be a woman of experience and substance.

But, you're just a baby at this point. Hopefully you will learn with time!

Little Miss Lori -

This OLD lady (age 56) would like to challenge you to a push-up contest and I'll just bet that you'll be saying, "oh geez" because you won't be able to keep up! We old ladies are not cut out of the same cloth!
Just Do It! :)
oh yay lori. I don't think you're making friends with the "elderly" crowd over here this morning. Seriously, why are you thinking a few women are the representative group for what you are going to look like at that age. I would presume if you keep up your fitness level like now you wouldn't look like that. Say, wouldn't your mom smack you for that comment? I would be knocked into that age category if I said something like that ;)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Oh....but 50 is not OLD!:) I mean 70-80..I don't want to be 80! I better shut up! Or the man above may not let me live to see 80!;)

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