Who do you want to win The Biggest Loser?


I'm really digging Tara, one of the models, I love her work ethic, and the way she confronted Daniel's partner at the elimination table...she's got my vote!

There really isn't a villian (for lack of a better term) character...I guess Joelle comes close, but she showed some spark by dropping 10 pounds and ensuring Carla's return.

I wish I had watched more seasons of this show, I really enjoy it, a much better alternative to American Idol, IMHO.
I love this show and have watched from the very first season. BUT I have to say this season drives me crazy that they sent those people home the first week. For goodness sake, it confuses me to the hilt and these people need help. Especially those young kids. I wish they would have stuck to the original format.

I do like TARA the model, her partner lacks motiviation on her own.

I'm loving this season because really there are so many i'd love to see win!

Probably my top three:

Tara (green)
Ron (brown team Dad)
Helen (pink team mom)
It's hard to pick, I like so many of them this season!

I would love for Jerry to win the at-home player prize! He's from my town - Wheaton, IL!!! They've been in the local paper a couple times already, everyone loves them here. :)
I love Tara & Felipe as well.
Oh, Jerry was adorable!!!! I didn't know he was from Wheaton!!! I grew up in the Western suburbs! Yay Chi-town! :D:D:D

I agree-- I love the cast so much more this time around, there's multiple contestants I'd love to see win.
I agree with everyone! I really like Felipe & Tara the most though I think. Tara is so motivated and competitive and I like that being role-modeled for other younger woman/older girls out there, but it really makes me wonder how someone so motivated and focused could have got to the point where they weigh over 200+ lbs! It makes you realize how easy it is to slide down that slippery slope to obesity.

I have to say the show drives me crazy when they cut to a commercial and then when they return they play the exact same footage over again. Who ever edits the shows needs to be fired! I mean how stupid do they think we are, that we can't remember what just happened before the 5 minute commercial break???:mad::(:confused: There is so much more information they could be showing about what the contestants are learning about diet & exercise during those repetitive moments, that could probably help millions of viewers with making the changes they need to in their own lives!
I like Tara and Felipe also, but I'm having trouble deciding since I feel we haven't had enough exposure to the "home" group. There might be someone in that group that we haven't seen enough of yet! Though I usually am clear by now who I want, I need another week this time to see the groups all together. I have to say though I'm leaning a little towards the Blue team (Felipe). They, like Green, seem really committed, especially seeing how hard Blue worked at home (forgot his name).


I like Tara and Philipe too, but I like all of the contestants this time and wouldn't mind if any of them won. I'm so glad it's a nice group this time. I kind of feel for the purple team (I can't remember her name, the daughter) she's so overweight and really wants to be there. I'm glad Joelle changed her image, (or they decided to edit differently) because I really wasn't interested in watching more nasty people for another season.

Well,my first vote would of been Dan:( But i have to agree,Tara has my vote too. I also loved how she confronted Dans partner...that guy made me so mad:mad: as soon as he left the ranch he was eating hotdogs and french fries and who knows what else the camera's didn't catch:rolleyes: Why did he even bother trying out for the show when there are so many that would of died to be there? He even admitted that his heart wasn't in it. Poor dan...he was such a trooper,and he has done an amazing job with his weightloss so far. He should of picked somebody else to be his partner for the show:p

anyhoot,great show this season! Love watching it:D
I really wanted Dan to win. My heart just breaks for that boy. When he was on the treadmill and told Jillian he can't see himself thin, I wanted to reach through the TV and hug him. He really needed the support of the ranch. When we heard his buddy's speech before the vote, we knew it was over.:(

Tara would be my second vote too. I love her spunk!!! I'll bet she ends up with amazing results.

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