Who do you sit next to on the beach?


I just came back from my vacation in Florida. While my family and I were there we visited with some friends of ours. We all went to the beach together on Saturday. To my utter shock, our friends have a plan on where they sit on the beach. At first I thought they were refering to maybe close to the ocean or near the lifeguards, but that was not the case. They only sit around people that are overweight or ugly. I could not believe my ears. The wife is the worse one about this. I was so mortified, but proud of my DH because as soon as he heard this he said, "I guess you need to do this to validate yourself and try to make you look good.". Personally I don't want my kids hearing comments like this. All people should be respected. Of course, I just found out the same wife forbids her DH from wearing or even buying shirts that are larger than XL.
Ugh. That is just so sad. I've heard people say similar things about hanging out with overweight people to make themselves look better.

I'm glad you don't want your kids hearing that c***.
Wow, what difference does it make and who are they tring to impress?

They are spending one day of their lives on the beach around people they don't know and will never see again. Seems a little shallow:(
WTH! Who thinks like that?? I just can't wrap my head around that at all..... Going to the beach is all about R&R, playing, laughing and forgetting about that kind of petty crap, not creating it. I think it's great that your hubby called them on it, good for him!:)

Take Care
That is awful but I am not surprised. Nothing surprises me these days. People can be downright cruel. UGH. ;(
that is just so sad, to me it appears to either make them feel better about themselves or to insult them. I have overweight friends but I am friends with them because they are real awesome people to talk to, Again it is sad when this world is so hung up on self image and weight and size, Again perfection and beauty to me is when I can look in the mirror and see me! and the way I am and love that person I see, not for what she looks like, it is the inner beauty that counts for me
"it is the inner beauty that counts for me."

I feel the exact same way. I'm still in shock over what they said. I am so disappointed in them that they would even say such bad things about others. The whole point was to make the wife feel better about herself. She has always had a bad self image and constantly says she is fat even though she is a size 2 and very thin. It is so sad that they have to make comments like that to make themselves look good.
Wow, that is truly bizarre.

The beach I go to in NJ tends to get a little crowded, so we usually sit wherever there's enough room to put enough space between us & our "neighbors." No one uses their "inside" voices at the beach so I just try to find a spot where I can read or nap w/minimal interruption. ;-)
I sit next to DH, DS#1, DS#2, DS#3 and DS#4, when or if I sit.:+

Seriously, there are some serious issues with this woman.
Oh geez, I always try to plant myself close to the hard bodied life guards.:p

Nothing like a little "ripped" scenery!}(
Well, that's a pretty shallow, vile attitude.

That being said, I try not to sit next to anyone who looks like a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model:p
Well, considering my DD17 looks like a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model, I'm doomed... :+

Seriously - I feel sorry for people who are so wrapped up in their own issues that they truly believe that everyone on the beach is looking at them and judging them according to their neighbors. I love to people watch - but I guess I'm odd because I'm more likely to smile at and remember fondly the old heavy set couple walking down the beach in just their suits, holding hands obviously repeating a ritual they have done for years, then I am any of the thin beautiful people.
I'm too busy watching to see which DS is attempting to drown or bury which to notice who looks better than me. OR, attempting to drown or bury all of them myself.:eek: }( :+
I'm trying to think of a response to this but all I can muster is a drop jaw stare. :eek:

All I guess I can say is I feel better about myself now.

Somebody should tell the wife that DH will look best in clothes that fit properly regardless of size!
My only concern is getting a good spot...one close to the water, away from other people's music, smoke from cigarettes, and people that only know 4 letter words. I could care less who is fat or thin near me, I am secure about the way I look so I really don't concern myself about the way others look...their choice.

Hey, maybe your friends have friends who like to hang out with them because it so easy to feel so much smarter in their presence! OK, ok no disrespect intended but the irony could not go unnoticed.
I always sit next to the people who play the best music. I never have a radio with me because there's so much stuff to bring, that I find the right "neighbor" to help me out! But sitting around people because they're ugly on purpose? That's pretty weird!!!

"I'll be floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee."
Muhammad Ali

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