Who didn't make it


I am #133. 28 people are not going to cancel, so i don't get to go.
Everyone have a wonderful time.
I bummed...
I can not believe it sold out so fast.
I didn't. :( I was pulled into a last minute meeting and didnt get out until 1:30. I thought it wouldnt sell out for at least a day so wasn't worried. I'm totally bummed - especially since i'm only three blocks away from Cathe's gym (also mine). I really wanted to meet everyone. At this point, I dont know if I should even bother to get put on the waiting list. Looking at the invoice numbers everyone is providing, that list is very long. *sigh*
I am SOOOO BUMMED for the people who didn't make it in. There were so many of you I wanted to meet. :(

My offer to smuggle 2 or 3 of you in my gym bag still stands! :)
I'm number 121. I was in the middle of Drill Max and stopped at 12:05 thinking that was plenty of time. I'm number 121. Oh well, I hope the rest of you have a great time (*sniff, sniff*).
I didn't make it. I didn't even bother going for the waiting list...I would have been 50+ on the list! I'm super bummed about it. I was really excited to be able to go since I wasn't able to attend the last one. There is always next year I guess!

I hope everyone who is going has a FABULOUS time though!!!!:)
Count me as one of those who didn't make it.

I actually cried a bit.

Oh well, there will be future road trips.:(
Didn't make it either, my stupid computer froze up and I had to restart it. By the time I was back up, it already said it was sold out.

What a bummer!!!! I was sooo looking forward to it. Didn't bother to go on a waiting list either. I am excited for the ones who made it, though!

Oh well, let's try it again next year.

Hope we get lots of pictures and reports though!

I am so sorry for all of you that did not make it in. I had my husband book it and he started the first minute it opened. I am stunned that SO many people can't go. Wendy and Cathy, my cheetahs friends, I will miss you guys there. You must crash it}(

Such a sad thread : (
I was debating on going, then finally decided to do it, then I was getting really excited about, then no deal. What a let down.

But I'm excited for everyone else and hopefully there will be a next time. Maybe I'll work out a bunch of times that weekend and join in from home in spirit.
Not me either, I was to sign up after work and running around. But, I will think positive about this. Cathe hopefully will be filming and selling her new series before this event and hopefully do the second one sometime after this one. In 2005, Cathe did all 10 of the Hardcore series and the Roadtrip.
So,next year, I will be a 2 year Cathe-ite and I will appreciate it even more than I would this year.
Congrats on those who made the 105 list.
I feel bad for the ones who didn't make it. I wish you had all gotten in so that I could have met you all.

I'm #145, so I won't be going either.
When my registration went through, I first just assumed I got in. Only a little later did I realize that all the registrations were accepted online, but that didn't mean we got in.

I actually didn't feel the 'high' high that many people who got in did, or the 'low low' that some people who didn't get in on time did. And I can definitely use the 'round $600 that the total trip would have cost me for other things.

I do wish the sign-up had started on a weekend, when there was much less chance of me being distracted by class preparation!
I am so sorry that you all did not make the cut. This is such a sad thread. I wish there was a way for you ALL to attend. Carola, we will def take tons of pix and have lots to report back to you. I am amazed at the positive attitudes you all have. I can't imagine how disappointed you were. Hopefully, next time around you will make it to Jersey!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
It's sad when you log on at the right time but still find out you're too late. I was really looking forward to the trip too. It was only 12:04 but I still only made it as #109(guess I type too slow) I cried a little.....well, more than a little, but life goes on right? I keep checking my email though hoping for a chance, but I'm coming to the realization now that I won't be going this year.

Words can not express how I feel at this point. I started my lunch right at 12:00, got up and went to the restroom, logged into the site to pay, ended up with #147.


Keep the faith, Patty. At #109 your chances are pretty good that a few may cancel and you're in. I wouldn't give up on the idea of going for awhile. Even in August there may be last minute cancellations - you never know.:)

The one male from the 2005 RoadTrip did not make it either.I am also bummed.I am on a ski holiday at Jay in Vermont.I raced back to the hotel & it was already sold out.I can't beleive it.Perhaps a few of us can get together to take a few classes at Cathe`s gym.
Take care everyone.
Chris (2005 Male RoadTripper)

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