Who cares? November

Hi all

Been buried under a large amount of work! Enjoyed the film on Friday and DD and I went for pizza afterwards. Then spent the weekend working as planned. Got loads done, thank goodness. Feeling a bit more on top of things. I'm in with the 30 min workouts plan! Can't fit anything longer in at the moment. Been doing some KCMs and today was 4DS KB cardio.
Off to the dentist shortly for regular check-up.

Roxie - are you pleased with the doctor's decision? Do you have a timescale?

Lisa - Sounds like you've been suffering again. It's so wearying having to deal with all that. I'm sure Disney will make up for it! When do you go?

Mary - you part timer!! ;) How did the interview go?
Hi all

Been buried under a large amount of work! Enjoyed the film on Friday and DD and I went for pizza afterwards. Then spent the weekend working as planned. Got loads done, thank goodness. Feeling a bit more on top of things. I'm in with the 30 min workouts plan! Can't fit anything longer in at the moment. Been doing some KCMs and today was 4DS KB cardio.
Off to the dentist shortly for regular check-up.

Roxie - are you pleased with the doctor's decision? Do you have a timescale?

Lisa - Sounds like you've been suffering again. It's so wearying having to deal with all that. I'm sure Disney will make up for it! When do you go?

Mary - you part timer!! ;) How did the interview go?

Ronnie-they were suppose to call yesterday to schedule things but didn't receive a call shooting for the 1st or 8th of December. I like this doctor.
Hi girls! Today did LIHIL. Roxie, so glad you feel comfortable with the Doctor. One night in hospital isn't too bad. Ronne, I forgot what movie you saw! Interview went great according to DS! The interviewer told him he would recommend him for admission! Yikes! Now we just wait on the mailman! Lisa, your new patio is beautiful! I'm jealous! Hi to Murphy and Jody! Well, I thought yesterday was last 12 hour day, but I was wrong! Dang! 12 hours next Tuesday then I'll be done for the semester! Hope everyone has a good day! Mary
Hi all, sorry to be so brief last time. Friend wanted to chat, then my brother, etc. Yesterday I didn't workout except for dog walk, I had slept until 8:30! I slept almost 10 hrs! So this morning I was up early but lacked motivation. I did do HR and then like Ronne I'm going in to dentist for cleaning and checkup. Mary, what a shock to realize you had another 12 hr day! The patio was covered in snow this morning! I think that's another reason for lack of motivation, I just want to snuggle up with this weather! Ronne, I just have to learn not to overdo it and then along with that not feel guilty about not pushing it to the max! I think Disney is 25 days away (but I'm not counting, lol). Roxie, the right dr makes all the difference. I have reminders on my phone of when to change the patch otherwise I'd forget! I never know what day it is.
Good Afternoon,

I did Fitnessfreaks Total Body Rotation Wk3 D3. Changing my mind about the surgery.

Lisa-really windy here but I think the snow is going yo miss us.

Mary - that's great news. It was Spectre we went to see. I'd recommend it.

Lisa - snow! I wish the temperature would drop around here. It's far too mild. Not normal!

Roxie - what's giving you second thoughts?

Yoga today. Not too taxing. I won't be around for a few days. I'm going away for the weekend with my BF. Got theatre booked, we're off to an art gallery and going out for dinner, can't wait.
Then I've got my annual shopping day with my mum next Tuesday so I probably won't be checking in for a week.
Good Afternoon,

I did KCM Cardio Pump Kickboxing this morning.

Ronne-that doctors office says I need to have a physical with my doctor which I did in April insurance pays for 1 a year and I need an EKG which I have had and my doctor sent it to them and they want a chest xray and they don't call me back when they say they will and they lied abput the days she does surgeries. I told my doctor I wasn't happy.
Roxie, I had to be cleared for my neck surgery by my primary care dr. It included chest Xray and ekg since I was over 40. This part may be pretty standard before surgeons do any procedure.

No workouts, just a walk. Giving my body the tlc it needs.
PUB today, didn't sleep well at all last night, felt awful all day. Ronne, enjoy your weekend sounds fun. We need to rake leaves but there's snow on them! Another storm rolling in Monday. Winter is arriving. I'm giving my body more rest this weekend. A bit bummed, seems the older I am now I take longer to recover. Ankle is getting better, but still hurts a bit. Neck is better but my shoulder blade and lower back hurt since those didn't get massaged last time. No one said 50's were like this!
Good Evening,

I have an appointment next Wednesday for all the pre-surgery crap and then the surgery is December 1st. I did Week 3 Day 3 of Fitnessfreaks wt rotation.

Lisa-so not ready for the snow
HI girls! Today did Thursdays Cathe live, yesterday was RWH ploy 1. Roxie, I know when u have had my surgeries I have had to do pre admission testing. More of a loss of time than anything else! Lisa, hope you are feeling better. I don't want your snow! Ronne, have fun! Hello to everyone else! Have a good weekend! Mary
HI girls! Today did Thursdays Cathe live, yesterday was RWH ploy 1. Roxie, I know when u have had my surgeries I have had to do pre admission testing. More of a loss of time than anything else! Lisa, hope you are feeling better. I don't want your snow! Ronne, have fun! Hello to everyone else! Have a good weekend! Mary

Mary-I think its a waste of my insurance companies money and I am going to tell them that.
HI girls! Happy Monday! Today did Cathe live kickboxing. Yesterday was some yoga, also raked and mowed, so glad that's done for the year! Roxie, I think it's a way for the systems to make more money and also to make sure people can tolerate the surgery so they don't get sued, mainly it's for safety. Annoying I know! What's everyone else up to? Beautiful here, crazy in November! Well, I'll see you on Wednesday! Last long day is tomorrow! Yay! Mary
KPC minus C done today. Had headache all weekend but I did help DH a bit with leaves. Mary, I'm sure it's all about CYA and malpractice. Can't blame them. There are lots of unhealthy people out there! Snow is coming tonight. I want your weather!
HI girls! Done with work! Yay! Today did a leg workout I found on YouTube, it was ok, won't do it again! How is everyone? Must all be busy, hope everyone is having good days! Mary
Nothing yesterday, today XT CBS. Yesterday was busy with DS and him getting a new car. Ugh hate car dealerships. I did walk Suki a little yesterday, today the winds are like 80 mph, we might get blown away! Mary, yea, work is done! I know Ronne was going to be away this week but I forget why.
I'm back!

Mary - Yay for finishing long days for the year! Enjoy the time off.

Lisa - I hate that kind of thing as well. Just sell me a decent car at a decent price and don't do all the messing about!

Had a whole week without workouts! Did Hiit Pyramid today to blast myself awake. It worked!
Had a great weekend away with friend, shopping, theatre, eating out, mooching, cinema ... the whole lot!
Then went Christmas shopping on Tuesday with my mum. Got a lot done.
Back to my desk and getting through work which fortunately is a bit calmer now.
HI girls! Today did today's Cathe live, it was good! Ronne, that sounds like a great weekend! Where did you go? Lisa, I think your snow is coming this weekend! No! Is there an Aurora CO? DS found the funniest ad on Craig's list selling a koala bear! I think the ad was from there? Roxie, did they set a date for the surgery? Hello to Jody and Murphy! Well, I think I'm going to start deep cleaning the house, we get cluttered so fast! Hope everyone has a good day! Mary
HI girls! Today did today's Cathe live, it was good! Ronne, that sounds like a great weekend! Where did you go? Lisa, I think your snow is coming this weekend! No! Is there an Aurora CO? DS found the funniest ad on Craig's list selling a koala bear! I think the ad was from there? Roxie, did they set a date for the surgery? Hello to Jody and Murphy! Well, I think I'm going to start deep cleaning the house, we get cluttered so fast! Hope everyone has a good day! Mary

December 1st all pretests are done.
I missed checking in yesterday. I was so eager to finish my book that after I got everything done, I went and read. Finished it just in time to make dinner! (I mean warm up leftovers). Pretending to Dance by Diane Chamberlain. I did do XT Legs, and now DOMS! I'm planning to do XT bi/tri this morning. Got woken up early. Carbon Monoxide detector beeped and woke us up at 5am....it needed new batteries, whoops! Mary, yes, there is an Aurora, CO, about 1.5 hrs away. that is funny, I wonder if that type of animal is even allowed? Yes, clutter happens! I'm just trying to keep it managable thru the holidays with DS being here. And with me leaving for a week, why have a clean house that week!?!?! Ronne, how are you feeling after that workout? I've been doing less workouts trying to heal up (ankle, and as always neck and left shoulder blade) and wowzers XT is getting me! What is your definition of mooching? To me it means bumming off someone, but I know you Brits have a whole different language. I had read a book by a British author (JoJo Moyes - I think that was the name). I had to look up with slag was. I think that was the word. Very interesting, too bad I can't remember all the words I learned! And Bob's your Uncle! At least I remember that!

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