who are you favorite tv characters of all time

Oh lordy how could I forget Jim from Taxi?

"What does the yellow light mean?"

"Slow down."


That routine always had me in stitches.
Woody Hoyt (Crossing Jordan)
Tim Taylor (Home Improvement)
Doogie Howser (Doogie Howser MD)
Tony Micelli (Who's the Boss)
Phoebe Buffet (Friends)
Karen Walker (Will & Grace)
J.D/John Dorian (Scrubs)

There are so many!

Magnum PI
Kramer from Seinfeld
Coach from Cheers
Cartman from Southpark
RoseAnne Rosanna Dana (Gilda Radner SNL)
Buckwheat (Eddie Murphy SNL)
and of course....MR BILL!....:)...Carole
Hands down:

Jack Tripper. Side-splitting laughter with that guy.

Followed by:

Samantha and Miranda on SATC
Mr & Mrs Roper
HR Puffinstuff (don't laugh!)
Wonder Woman
Fun thread! I'm smiling as I type!

The Bluth and Funke family ... all of them ... just a riot! G.O.B. Bluth is one of my favorites lately!

Kramer from Seinfeld
Elaine " "
George " "

Jack Tripper

Alex P. Keaton (heehee used to have a major crush on Michael J. Fox!)

Hmmmm ... I know there's more but I can't think of them right now....

Cath :)

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