

Just a quick whine. I've had a cold all week and my philosophy is let your body work at getting better so no working out. So that means I haven't worked out since Sunday and this makes me sad :( .

Hi Catherine!
I hope you feel better soon! When you start working out again, you'll be amazed at how quickly you get back to where you were! In the meantime, take care and drink fluids!
Ehhhh....I work out throughout my colds. Unless, of course, my nose is too stuffy to get good air. My colds are very short-term anyway, I usually only have one bad day (knocking wood).

But when I'm good at taking my multivitamin and exercising regularly, I rarely get sick. (again, knocking wood).

Hope you feel better soon Catherine!
Thanks guys,
it's Sat morn and I still feel like yuk- cough head congestion- head feels like it could explode. I kinda thought it was turning around but I guess it's just slower than I want. My plan was to restart my workouts Sunday. Let's keep our fingers crossed!!

Catherine - this sounds like pretty long-term cold. Is this normal for you to hang on to them so long? Maybe you should see your doctor? Or maybe you caught another one...?
I workout with a cold, runny nose or not. I believe that sweating makes you get those nasty viruses out of your system. Seems to help me. Now if I had the flu and couldn't keep food down, I wouldn't workout.
Debbie in OH

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