While everyone else is asking...


who is going to be with you in your new videos; I have a queston to add. Have you ever thought of running a promotional contest with the winner being featured in one or part of your video? Perhaps someone from a success story? Obviously, I am not qualified to figure out if the logistics are feasible! But, think how motivational it would be to so many to see a video fitness queen out there working out with you and your crew! Truly proof you can do it if you put your mind to it! Especially showing how effective your videos can be! Okay, I'll be quiet!
What a great idea!

That would be so cool! But, we'd have to promise to not be jealous of whoever Cathe picks

Guest "crew"

I think this a creative, inspirational and personal way to further involve the thousands of people doing Cathe tapes all alone in their living rooms. I am too shy to try out, but I'd be proud of the winner and vicariously enjoy their success.
What a cool idea!!!!

Funny, I was thinking myself how neat it would be to be a featured stepper in one of Cathe's videos! I'd be all worked up about how bad I looked on camera, I'm sure! But, wouldn't it be a gas?

I could show them all what an old chick can do!
being in a video....

Hi! Yes, we had given this a lot of thought(as far back as a year ago)and while it is not entirely ruled out as a possibility it would be very difficult to do. While there are a few reasons for this, the main one is the fact that rehearsals are three weeks to one month prior to film day. And since these rehearsals are paramount(since they cut down our filming time dramatically), it would make it practically impossible for a "potential winner" to be available for this amount of time. But as I said, we still have the thought in the back of our minds. We sure would let you know if it should ever change
Hey, Brenda

Since you live down the street, you can be our VF rep in a future video.

Well, realistically speaking, perhaps we'll see snipits of Road Trips in the videos instead.

Hey Lorrayne, good greif I spit my coffee out all over my keyboard when I read that! Yikes! I'm currently envisioning the filming being behind schedule by months because I'd be tripping all over the step. I think if we want these videos anytime this year we better stick with clips from trips.
Thanks for thinking of me though!

Sad to say..

for me of course b/c I am way out here in Tx., but maybe it could be done locally only. Then there is a possibility of availabilty on a longer term basis. Here I thought I was so creative and ya'll are WAY ahead of me. Guess that's why your making the BIG bucks & I'm home enjoying the vids!
Cathe, what if...

you either just let someone watch the filming of the video or you could have a person doing it for the first time in the video just like we at home would be doing it for the first time and that lucky person could show how to modify the moves until you get the routine down. And she'd really be doing it for the first time, so we'd know we're not total klutz's when it takes us a few times to get it at home. That way, the person wouldn't have to be there more than a couple of days AND we'd all get to see one of our own in the video.


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