Which Vitamin do you take


Active Member
I am looking for a good vitamin to replace the one that I have been taking for yrs and don't think it is doing the job.
It is very confusing to look at all the btls and try to figure out which one is the best. Multi, Mega, Womens, ones with Antioxidants and some for sports.
Any info I would appreciate.
I workout 5x per week and very active for 53.
I use a multivitamin that is sold at Walgreen's under their own label. It is called "Super Aytinal" and I buy the one for adults 50 plus. It has 100% of the recommended daily dose for all vitamins and lots of minerals too. I has only 9 mg of iron, about 50% of the daily recommendation and this is good. After 50 you need less iron.

I also add calcium tablets as well as Vitamin C, E, selenium, flax oil and fish oil.

Hope this helps.

I am the vitamin queen, according to my husband!!!! I take a Cetrum Performance, Vit E, calcium, selenium, and a B-Complex. I also take CLA(which I don't think works), and 2 Tbs. of ground flax daily.
Lori S.
Thank you all for you quick response.. will be checking out all the brands... Has anyone checked out Puritan's Pride.. you can go online and now they have a sale buy 1 get 2 free... I have ordered other supplements from them before but not their vitamins.
Thanks again
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-02 AT 09:32AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi - I was listening to Clark Howard yesterday and he just happened to mention this little something about vitamins that he read in a medical journal study. It reported that the majority of vitamins/minerals on the market don't have in them what they say they do. The most likely to have in them what they say they do, according to the study, were basic generic multivitamins. Also, he reported that a way to know if your vitamin/mineral is working is to put one in a cup of vinegar - if it dissolves within 45 minutes, it is okay (I guess okay meaning your body can break down the pill in order to absorb the vitamins and/or minerals). Hope this is something interesting for you to consider.

I went upstairs and did the experiment with my vitamins and they did not disolve... just as I expected..
Thanks for the good advice.

I should try the vinegar trick with my own multivitamins. I'm glad you tried it. One other thing I remembered is that my dad and brothers take liquid minerals that they really like. They are by Rockland and called Body Booster minerals. Since they are in liquid form, maybe they are better absorbed. I am no expert, however, just passing on information I've picked up. Good luck.

Tropical Oasis Liquid multi-vitamin & mineral complex in aloe-vera and citrus base. $24 bucks a bottle (month supply), tastes decent, work great. I have been taking them for 6 years, love em.

www.tropicaloasis.com. If you local health food store doesn't carry them, they will usually order them for you.
Tis may sound weird, but I take prenatal vitamins. When I was pregnant, I took them, and think they are great. Eventhough I am not pregnant or plan to be, I still ask my GYN to prescribe me prenatal vitamins. She said a lot of her patients feel the same way...

Hi there,

I take the old store generic brand. And I did do the test on mine and it worked. :D

I did an article on this subject and it is recommended to buy the store brand than the name brand.

Another thing to look for, since vitamins are mostly water soluble, get a good solid multi-vitamin that has 100% of the recommended daily allowance or LESS. One because water soluble vitamins will exit the system as soon as you pee and two you don't want to overdose on those vitamins and minerals that aren't water soluble, like B12. That can get really nasty if you get too much of that lovely little vitamin into your system.

Just my humble opinion.

Keta. :D

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