>>so why are ya'll using abbreviations. Is this some kinda
>>exercise lingo, ?? I'll never learn it. I'll keep using
>>regular words for my questions and answers. Seems fitting to
>>let people know up front what is going on instead of xyz ok
>>sya adios. dugt
>They are all abbreviations for Cathe's workouts. If they were
>for some non-Cathe workouts, I could see your being as annoyed
>as you seem from your post, but come on!, you're on Cathe's
>site, you can learn them like everybody else here did,
>especially since someone took the time to show you what they
>are (they're pretty logical: PH= Power Hour, etc). It's just
>part of getting used to a new forum.
>Of course if you refuse to, then you'll just come across a lot
>of messages you don't understand.
you are so sweet Kathryn, how did you get the name cat??? scratching people all the time