Which to choose?


I am not new to Cathe, just new to her step routines. I like LoMax (Can't do it yet, but like it)and am planning on ordering it. I have the pyramids, l&g, KPC, etc. I just need to know which step DVD to order that will help me get used to her step, but will still challenge me. Any ideas?
If you don't mind a bit dated look, the Classics DVD has three earlier Cathe workouts on that are good for learning her style. They are oldies but goodies.
I'd recommend Low Impact Step. It's more of a "beginner" level, if you can call it that. It still gets my blood pumping and a good sweat going, and I find the routine challenging and fun. It's a great way to get used to some of Cathe's more common moves.

If you really feel like a challenge, get either Step Blast or Imax 2. }( You'll feel the burn!
The Classics dvd is a good place to start. Some steps she uses now were originally introduced in the Classics and she breaks them down for you. Plus its a good workout but not as intense as an Imax workout!!
Thanks for the feedback. I took a good look at the classics and decided to give them a try, as well as LowMax (Just cuz I like it) and CoreMax. (so I can stop using my fittv copy.) I contemplated Low impact step and others, but don't need the toning workouts that come with the DVD. I also like the idea of the 3-in-one-DVD! Thanks again!!! :)

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