Which strength workouts do you like best?

Which strength workouts do you like best?

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Which series did you enjoy most and get best results. Trying to decide if I need to purchase Pure Strength, Slow and Heavy or Pyramid upper and lower body? Looking for more muscle definition and stength.


I ABSOLUTELY LOVE The Pyramids. The 2 day split works well with me and the options on the DVD are good. Pure Strength is also good . Slow N Heavy takes so much concentration and a full min. between sets that I bore easily with it.

I also love love the pyramids, they are great. My all time favorite.

I also love MIS for a longer lower and upper and body work out.

Have a great day everyone.

Debbie:) :) :) :) :D
Pyramids all the way. Your biceps will never work so hard as they do here. Plus there is fun yet effective stability work at the end of each one. I also prefer a two day split to a three day split.

I really like the PS series for strength. I LOVE the pyramids for definition and fun factor. The one workout that I really think is effective for the lower body is L&G. It is the only workout that really gets my legs in tip top shape!! All around though Pure Strength gives me the best results and I tend to reach for it the most:).

Without a doubt, I saw and felt the best strength improvements is with Slow and Heavy.
Susan C.M.:D
No fay're! It's like you're asking me to choose my favorite child ( or in my case, my favorite cat)!

I love all three series, but the PS Upper Body has a special place in my heart. I go back to it time and time again when I want to split my routines. Matter of fact, I extrapolated shoulders, tri's, and bi's from it this morning.

2nd choice is Upper body Pyramid. Very time effective and I love the fact it's only dumbbells.

Still, I appreciate the slowness and preciseness of Slow & Heavy.

Oh, so many weight tapes, so little time!


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