which step to buy?

I was looking at the different steps and wondered which to buy. Is there a difference between the black step and the teal one with purple risers? I noticed the teal one is 43 inches long and the black is only 37. I am guessing the black one is used as a bench primarily and not for step aerobics?? It looks sturdier but I like the length on the teal one. Is there a difference and which do you prefer?

I am getting one for Christmas and want to buy the best one!

Mary Kate
Mary Kate:

There is no difference between The "original" teal/purple step and the black/gray step. See attached link: http://spriproducts.com/ItemGroup.aspx?ItemGroupID=13&CategoryID=1&ItemGroupTypeID=1

I bought the black/gray step - because of its length - you can use it as a weight bench. However, I think the BEST step is the Reebok step. See link.


I find it to be more sturdy, however, it's not long enough, at least for me, to use as a weight bench. If you are looking for a great "beginning" step tape, try this one.


It is called "Reebok: The Video" by Gin Miller - I think it is fabulous. You can preview it on Collagevideo.com.

Good Luck!

I have the teal one, but it could be just a coincidence because all I wanted was the longer one. I had a Reebok step which is a good step, HOWEVER, for me, I felt the risers for the STEP brand were more stable because they are stackable on top of each other, whereas to raise the Reebok one there are 2 nublike(can't figure out how to describe the protrusions)pieces that are on each "riser" that click into the step to raise it and as you raise it the risers move outward/to the side(there are 3 different areas on each side of the step for which height you want to use). I don't think I'm describing this very well, just that one stacks on top of itself to raise the height where the other moves outward to raise.

Hope this helps, it's bit of a personal opinion, you may want to see if you can go to a gym that has both to see if you can just try them out before you buy.

I'd recommend the longer step, especially if you have long legs. I'm 5'8" and mostly legs so any time I've worked out with a shorter step I had to do baby steps. I've had my teal step for 8 years and it stands up well to lots of high impact stepping.
If you don't have the high step, I'd also recommend getting that. The risers are interchangeable between the two steps and the high step really gives definition to the gluts.
Well.. I hope no one hates me for this...BUT, Before I even knew about Cathe I used to workout to Karen Voight, she's pretty good, but she has no pep in her step and her attitude isn't anywhere as motivational as Cathe's. Anyway.. I went to Karen's website and bought a step with risers. It's really light and the risers are (if I remember correctly) 4 inches a piece. Here's the website if anyone is comparing or interested...


Hope this helps a bit!:7
Mary, I have the Reebok step so I know just what you're talking about. I love my Reebok step though...I've grown so attached!!
:) :+ :) I also like it 'cause I don't have to disassemble it to store it. I just lean it up against the wall and it's out of the way!
I bought a basic step at Wal-Mart for $24.00 It seems a little shorter than the one Cathe uses in her videos. It is by "the Step" company. I did not want to spend alot of money, so it works for me. It also came with a dvd. Cathe's Basic Step.
How long is the one you bought at Walmart? I have an old one ( probably had it for 15 years), and it is too short to use as a weight bench, and to do some of the steps Cathe does. I might consider the Walmart one if it is longer and it comes with a Cathe DVD!
It is about 2 and a quarter feet long. It is not like the workbench(Step) that cathe uses. It is just a basic step. There is pic of cathe on the box doing crunched w/ a stability ball.

I have the traditional teal with purple risers. I love the full length for creative stepping and for converting to bench workouts. Do not skimp. I have a beginner Cathe that uses a short teal step but really the traditional allows for greater range of movement. I hope that helps.

Belinda :)
I have a Reebok step as well and have had it since 1993. It will not wear out! I wanted to get a one of the club style steps to go with my high step but can't see spending the money when my Reebok step is still so durable and dependable. :)


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