Cardio Kicks (on the same disc as Circuit Max); this was Cathe's first full-blown kickbox workout and has a hi/lo flavor to it; Circuit Max is a medley of hi/lo, floor kickbox, step-kickbox and traditional step interspersed with combination (upper/lower body) resistance training - I seriously love Circuit Max;
Kick Punch & Crunch (on the same disc as Legs & Glutes) from Cathe's Body Blast series; KPC is a great mix of mid- and high-intensity drills followed by targeted lower- and upper body kicking and punching drill blocks; KPC also has a to-die-for core routine using a stability ball, all done to the theme from "Jurassic Park" (I call it "Jurassic Abs")
Kick Max, from Cathe's Hard Core Series; kicking / punching drill combos followed by a 15-minute blast challenge that remains one of my single-most favorite segments (this has some high-impact stuff, but you can modify by keeping your jumps lower);
4-Day Split Kickbox (on the same disc as 4-Day Split Boot Camp; part of her most recently released 4-Day Split); this includes a kickbox-flavored warm-up and about 20 minutes of mid-range intensity kickboxing sequences that really make the time fly by. You may have to purchase the whole set; I don't know if you can buy the discs separately)
Core Max, from Cathe's aforementioned Hard Core Series; three 20-minute segments one of which is strictly floor with no equipment; the second of which is with a stability ball; the third of which is with a med ball and a stability ball. Also, there are three additional premixes in which Cathe shuffles footage from all three of the main workouts into new mixes.
Ab Hits, a compilation disc from Cathe's earlier releases that includes routines from her workouts from 1998 through 2001; you can do each routine as originally filmed, and Cathe has also created premixes that shuffle footage from these routines into new mixes.
Interval training:
Any of the I-Maxes (Interval Max, on the same disc as Rhythmic Step and Maximum Intensity cardio; I-Max 2 from the Intensity Series; I-Max 3 from the Hard Core series) - these are step-interval training and do involve impact; again, IMHO you can do some modifying to keep your jumps lower
Boot Camp (on the same disc as Muscle Endurance, from the Intensity Series) - includes 8 1-minute nosebleed cardio intervals that I do at least once a week
Drill Max (from her untitled 2006 series) - six 2- to 5-minute cardio drills (some of which incorporate the step; you can omit the step in many of the segments that do) that are wonderful (some are space hogs, however)
4-Day-Split Boot Camp (from the 4-Day Split series): 12 1- to 1.5- minute intervals that are very effective and innovative (a couple are also space hogs)
Lower impact:
Low Impact Circuit (from her untitled 2006 series) - this is step-based, and is a true cardio/resistance circuit-style workout; the interval blasts are among my faves and it takes a lot for me to say that because I myself actually prefer impact-step
Low Max (from the Hard Core series) - a step/interval routine in which there are no propulsion moves but is still very, very effective; I created a modification for this one by using a med ball during the interval blasts for an added oomph
That's it for now. I might have forgotten one or two, but this should give you a good start. Happy spending!