Which rotation gave you the best results?


Which rotation gave you the best weight loss results? I have the PS series, PH, MIS, Intensity Series, CTX series (and CTX Upper Body), plus all the Firms.....I'm looking for maximum weight loss and definition more than strength gains, although I don't want to LOSE any of the strength that I have. I also have plenty of time on my hands and am not at all opposed to multiple workouts in a day. Can't wait to hear what you guys have to say!
Hi Cbelle! The CTX gave me the best results! You have great videos to get you where you want to be. Make yourself a workout/eating plan and stick with it for atleast 6 weeks, give your body time to adapt then re-evaluate from there! I don't know how your eating habits are but when you eat healthy with the right foods you don't have to work out as "hard" everyday throughout the week! Don't get me wrong you do have to work "hard" on a few days and you should lighten up the work load on the other days still keeping it intense but not too straining on your body without proper recouperation time in between! Sometimes working out too hard (twice a day)can actually push you further away from your goals! It can be done successfully though as long as you fuel yourself right and properly sequence your workouts throughout the week !Make sure you whatever activities you decide to do that you are fueling your body properly so that you are reaching your goals not gone 2 steps back! I say this with love ;) and don't want to see all that hard work go down the drain! Train Smart, Eat Smart, Drink plenty of water;)
Here's what helped me drop a couple of dress sizes.

Day 1: Power Hour + 30 minutes of cardio
Day 2: Floor Work of PS + 30 minutes of cardio
Day 3: Leaner Legs + 30 minutes of cardio
Day 4: Floor Work of PS + CTX Upper Body
Day 5: Leaner Legs plus 30 minutes of cardio
Day 6: Floor Work of PS plus 30 minutes of cardio
Day 7: Rest

I did this routine for one month and got great results!

The tank top rotation gave me wonderful results. It really worked for my body. Even though I wasn't looking for weight loss when I tried it, it just happened. More than weight loss, I like the way I really leaned out with it. I think I actually ate anywhere b'ween 1600 - 2200 cals on it (wide range I know but I rarely eat the same no. of cals everyday). I find that a standard formula of including 2 total body workouts (PH and MIS) with 2 intense cardio workouts (IMAX and MIC) plus some moderate workouts (normally kickboxing and hi/lo)always gives my body a good shock. Hope this helps. I also totally agree with the above post that working out too much can be counter productive. When I have time to include a second workout I always choose pilates, yoga, walking or swimming. I think they aid my weight loss efforts without all the negatives of burning out, making my apetite too huge etc. Hope this helps.
Francine, I've seen 3 posters in the last 24 hrs saying that the CTX Series gave them 'best' results. I notice that most people tweak this series. Soooooo, how did you use it? As is? Or not??:7
Hi Cbelle! When the CTX series came out I used 1 tape each day & found my bodyfat lowered. I was much leaner but unfortunately didn't increase much muscle definition. Also this was before I knew about increasing protein, etc. Eat 5-6 small meals a day. Try increasing your protein & fiber (i.e. if your 110#s then consume 110g protein & eat 30g fiber). Limit starches and no sugar. I use Splenda in my tea though. Drink 2-3 cups of green tea + water. Take measurements before you start & stay on a rotation for 6 wks. & then take measurements again. Pinpoint areas where you've lost & other areas where your not losing & tweak the rotation & diet again. Good luck! Kathy ;-)
Hi Robin! Girl CTX is fabulous as is! I was skeptical at first working one bodypart a day but boy was I wrong! It turned out to be exactly what I needed. After 3 weeks I couldn't believe the definition in my arms. I stayed on it for 8 weeks and still seen results. This is a no nonsense series. It's intense and thorough! It actually gives the body a break focusing on less cardio while really taking the time to "focus" on that one bodypart for those last 10 to 15 mins! While working intensely (in your THR)on the cardio you will be avoiding tapping into your lean muscle tissue)This series just does it! Cathe is a genius! If you are eating healthy foods and doing Ctx, you will get results as is! I do however have a lil add on if interested posted in my rotation on the new forum here! It's working the upper body before and after leg day! Check it out! I do suggest that you that you give ctx a whirl as is for atleast 4 weeks then if interested in the arms do the rest of the 4 weeks if you do 8 week rotations(just a suggestion)The reason I suggest as is because not knowing what rotation you are coming off of, you should not dive into Ctx with other strenous demands added on, in order to let the body respond and adapt to this new program ! You will be doing your body a favor by not overtraining in the beginning,layering a new foundation and saving the add ons(if desired) towards the end to intensify your workload!Enjoy your CTX journey. More is not always better! Make a Plan with a particular goal in mind,make a commitment,stay focused ,Train Smart & Eat Well! HTH;)
Hello there!

THe only thing I'd recommend if you can at all get Imax do. It helped me A LOT. I now do it once or twice a week.

CTX is great as is Power hour. I want to build definition so I do a 3 week cycle of S&H and Imax, ctx cardio and LL. Then a week of PH (3)and CTX cardios and IMax. THen a week of cardiokicks, circuit max (3), Imax, CTX cardio.

You are SO LUCKY to have the new tapes..... I will get them as soon as I'm working again.

Enjoy let us know how you progress!
Francine, thanks SO MUCH!! I enjoyed reading thru all your rotations. After I play with the Intensity Series for a while, it looks like CTX is gonna be next.:9
Hi Robin ! Glad you enjoyed the rotations, I'll be adding more soon! You are in for a real treat with CTX, perfect setup after the Intensity series! You will love what this series does for your body!;)

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