Which one should I get? Muscle Max or Power Hour? I feel it's time for a new dvd. I know PH is older

Which one should I get? Muscle Max or Power Hour? I feel it's time for a new dvd. I know PH is older

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RE: Which one should I get? Muscle Max or Power Hour? I...

I don't have muscle max but I just purchased power hour because it has 3 work outs on it instead of just one....Body Max was the real clincher for me though because it's like nothing else I own....


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
RE: Which one should I get? Muscle Max or Power Hour? I feel it's time for a new dvd. I know PH is older which I do not care for. Please do not vote based on the new and old. Please vote based on more

It wouldn't let me edit my post. Here's what I'm trying to add to my original post:

I feel it's time for a new dvd. I know PH is older which I do not care about. Please do not vote based on the new and old. Please vote based on more variety and less repetition. From the description of MM, it sounded very repetitive which made me unsure about purchasing it. Any help would be appreciated!!

RE: Which one should I get? Muscle Max or Power Hour? I feel it's time for a new dvd. I know PH is older which I do not care for. Please do not vote based on the new and old. Please vote based on more

I love MM, but with Power Hour, you get mega bang for your buck! I love MIS for strength there is nothing like Body Max! It still wipes me out with all the fast repititions. Power Hour is still one of my favorite weight workouts!
MM is great, but you get a great variety with Power Hour.
RE: Which one should I get? Muscle Max or Power Hour? I feel it's time for a new dvd. I know PH is older which I do not care for. Please do not vote based on the new and old. Please vote based on more

I love both. I loove the resistence band in MM ( my triceps are so sore the day after those killer kickbacks) but PH is great too.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
RE: Which one should I get? Muscle Max or Power Hour? I feel it's time for a new dvd. I know PH is older which I do not care for. Please do not vote based on the new and old. Please vote based on more

If you're just looking for a total body weight workout, purely Power Hour vs. Muscle Max, I would say Muscle Max. But if you're looking at the whole picure, and considering the other two workouts on the power hour DVD, it wins hands down. I cannot express how many often after doing body max I shake my head in amazement at what a workout this is. In fact, I just did the cardio sections this morning, and I had to force myself through them. It keeps your heart rate up through the whole thing, an the power blasts are different then in the IMax's .. it's a step routine, followed by a blast, followed by a weighted leg endurance routine!
RE: Which one should I get? Muscle Max or Power Hour? I feel it's time for a new dvd. I know PH is older which I do not care for. Please do not vote based on the new and old. Please vote based on more

I voted MM b/c I can go heavier on my weights with this one and the more I do MM the more I love it. But reading the above post made me realize that if I HAD to choose I would go with PH if you are bying the DVD due to the fact that you get three workouts on that one.
RE: Which one should I get? Muscle Max or Power Hour? I feel it's time for a new dvd. I know PH is older which I do not care for. Please do not vote based on the new and old. Please vote based on more

Thanks for voting. I do have BodyMax VHS and have had that for 3 yrs now. It's one of my favs. And the dvd would be nice but it's kinda expensive. I know it's 3 workouts in one disc but still..... :)

I'm just wondering which is the best total body w.o. I know having 3 workouts on the disc is a big advantage. I'd like to get both but Dh would hang me. LOL
RE: Which one should I get? Muscle Max or Power Hour? I feel it's time for a new dvd. I know PH is older which I do not care for. Please do not vote based on the new and old. Please vote based on more

I would go for PH/BM/MIS........I really like MIS and I have heard comments that MIS and MM are comparable?? I wouldn't know, I don't have MM, but I love that dvd!!! LOVE IT! So many different things you can do with it! I love the MIS ABS section, talk about never stopping!
RE: Which one should I get? Muscle Max or Power Hour? I feel it's time for a new dvd. I know PH is older which I do not care for. Please do not vote based on the new and old. Please vote based on more

I just did Body Max this morning and wowee!!! I love, love, love it! I always forget what a great work out it is. I also love Power Hour and MIS. Now I just got Muscle Max and have only done it once, but I think the combination on the other DVD wins hands down!

RE: Which one should I get? Muscle Max or Power Hour? I feel it's time for a new dvd. I know PH is older which I do not care for. Please do not vote based on the new and old. Please vote based on more

For the money (or value), I'd get PH. Three workouts is one DVD. You can't beat that. I don't think Cathe will do anything like this anymore. The Intensities and BB's had 2 workouts in one dvd, and now the HC's have only one workout per dvd. I know you already have BM on vhs, but a dvd is more versatile. Also, I got the first "dent" in my arms with PH. So I'm biased.:) This isn't to say that you'll go wrong with MM. I just like PH more for the value.

RE: Which one should I get? Muscle Max or Power Hour? I feel it's time for a new dvd. I know PH is older which I do not care for. Please do not vote based on the new and old. Please vote based on more

I just love PH so much. It has a very high fun factor, IMHO.
RE: Which one should I get? Muscle Max or Power Hour? I feel it's time for a new dvd. I know PH is older which I do not care for. Please do not vote based on the new and old. Please vote based on more

I'd say get them both:7 Really I like both of them. Right now I am really enjoying MM, but I am sure that has to do the newness. I LOVE the band work. Power hour is WONDERFUL also. I got my back into shape with it! So I am sorry to say I could not choose between the 2 (Sorry:( ) But I wish you luck with your decision. You can't go wrong either way!!

Take care,

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