which one is harder?


Active Member
i was wondering....which dvd is more versatile and which one is harder?

bootcamp/me or terminator?

thanks in advance
Terminator is made with segments of all the intensity series except the pramids.Terminator has three extralong workouts.My favorite is the gaunlet with segments of bootcamp, cardio and weights weight and intervals of IMAX 2.If you do not have the ME/Bootcamp dvd buy it first.This dvd has lot of premixes.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
I think bootcamp/ME is more versatile and I prefer it to Terminator. The Terminator workouts are long, the shortest being 75 mins., and I like to get everything done in under 60mins. As far as which is harder...I guess it depends on what you find challenging. For me, I like intense and concise so BC/ME are always favorites and the premixes are really good.
Yes, BC/ME is more versatile and useful. And the BC/ME combo is a lot like a Terminator workout. Get the Terminators later, since they are only useful as long circuit workouts. They are too long for most days.

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