Which NEW video is the easiest?


All of the posts about the new videos are scaring me! I'm supposed to get mine today. Which one should I attempt first? Which one is the easiest?
Hi Rhonda! Would you believe IMAX2? Boot Camp IMO is the toughest. There's also Cardio & Weights also that I would rank somewhat easy. Best, Kathy
Easiest is not the word, lets use, least toughest, cause each is a really tough workout!

But if I had to choose, I'd say Cardio & Weights I found the kindest. But then again, that was the first workout I did after a day off, so that might account for something! Imax 2 almost had me reaching for a portable oxygen tank this morning!

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Maybe SNM should offer a "Cathe-logo" portable oxygen tank for sale (in colors that coordinate with those of the exercise wear).
This is hilarious! I want a pretty hotpink and black one to match the lovely ladies of Cardio & Weights! And it really is time to make an "I survived Boot Camp" t-shirt (from what I hear!)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-03 AT 10:41PM (Est)[/font][p]Well, y'all pray for me because I just purchased Cario & Weights!!!

After 28 minutes of Power Circuit that felt like 50 I'm REALLY nervous... :-wow

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