Which kickbox workout to choose??



I'm in a bit of a dilemma--lol I have gone a little cathe "happy" with my workout shopping and have 17 cathe workout dvd's--scary sounding I know, but when I get on a bandwagon I'm driving the wagon--lol(I love them all even though I haven't tried them all--so many workouts so little time--lol). HOWEVER, I did one of the workouts that had just a touch of kickbox in it and now, guess what, I'm looking for a kickbox dvd(imagine that--lol). My dilemma is this....I have absolutely NO kickboxing experience and don't know what to start out with. Would it be #1 Kick max (probably too tough to start with?), #2 Body blast--KPC and Legs and glutes(except I have so many with leg stuff in them, hmm....), or #3 Terminator, or have I missed something else that has it in it??
Thanks for all the help in advance!!
There is also CTX Kickbox, probably the least intense. Then there is Cardio Kicks, not as intesnse IMO as KPC. You could probably do the lower impact portion of KM and leg conditioning drills on it.
Diane Sue
KPC is the best of Cathe's kickboxing workouts thus far. And it's paired with L&G, so you get two ways of working out your legs. Great deal.

Thank you both for your help, here's another spin on my question- should I go for something a little more advanced to start out with so that I don't buy a less advanced one and go, "gee, I wish I'd bought a tougher one" or is even the "less advanced" one going to hold me for awhile(ALL of her workouts give me workout, there's no doubt about that)--I'm not quite sure how I'll put kickboxing into my workout rotation just as yet. Any thoughts on a rotation?(my cathe newbieness is showing, thanks for tolerating me!)
If you are totally new to kickboxing, I would recommend you get a workout that has more form practice in and teaches you the moves, like Kathy Smith's Kickboxing workout, or Powerstrike Millenium 3, or the instructional tape from Katalin Zamir.

Of Cathe's kickboxing workouts, each one has a different feel to it. Cardio Kicks takes up the most room done "as-is" and is more choreographed, more like a "kickbox flavored cardio.

KPC is the most "authentic kickboxing" feeling of them, and my favorite.

KC has very little actual kickboxing (and the moves that are there are in a short segment, and have a lot of pivots, which, to me, seem to take away from the kickboxing intensity). It's more of a leg-conditioning workout with plyo moves (lots of pylo jacks, tuck jumps, and jumping jacks ad nauseum), and some standing leg conditioning drills, with a bit of kickboxing thrown in as a warm-up. I didn't like it enough to keep it.
I would get KPC. It's the best one, and if you're not used to kickboxing, she has some form pointers in the intro. You can always learn a bit as you go. Don't kick as high, don't punch as hard. This is the one to get, no doubt.
KPC it is! Interesting that I read another person on video fitness say that Powerstrike Millenium #3 would be the one to start with before #1 and #2. KPC got good reviews on that site also. I just want to get a little experience in case that is part of one of the workouts in July. Time to order!! Thanks!! :)
I have tried all of Cathe's and I think they are all a bit different than everyone elses DVD's as she puts a little more intensity in hers to bring your heartrate up. My favorie's are Kick, Punch & Crunch and the Legs & Glutes is a killer leg/butt DVD (I'm expecting great results from this).. I also really like Kickmax. I'd get both......I'm an evil enabler.
Ha! You sound like me--I have bought just about everything after a co-worker got me going on doing other aerobic workouts(she's a great motivator and I was needing some motivating to get out of my workout "rut").
Go to work, run or go to the gym, go home--ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.........
how boring is that? So I googled aerobic workouts and up came Cathe and the rest is history(and seeing the workouts on Fit TV also helped). You get caught up in the "ooh, look at that one, and that one, and that one!" I'm sure the UPS guy thinks I've lost my mind--lol So, no, you are not an evil enabler(lol)--you are ALL great with all your help! I hope to get to meet you all in July!! I guess I'll have to have my Luv2run on my name badge--lol
You think I have questions now, just wait until July--I'll have to take notes!!
Thanks again! :)

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