Which kettlebell?


For all those who use kettlebells on a regular basis, I wanted to ask you: which are the best to get?

GoFit? Apollo? How are the Troy kettlebells? Are they good? Appropriate handle width and smoothness? I ask because there's an offer I might make the most of from MBodyStrength: a 15lb, 20lb and 25lb kettlebells for $127 incl s/h. Not too bad. What do you think?

Also, do you think that the Art of Strength Training Clinic Vol 1 is worth getting for someone starting out? Do I need it or is it OK to head straight into Providence DVD and focus on nailing the form?

Thanks for all comments and advice!

I haven't tried a big variety of kettlebells - I bought mine at the local sporting goods store and they seem fine to me. I've also looked at GoFit and they look nice, too.

I've heard good things about Ader and Dragon Door KBs, but I hate the idea of paying the shipping fees, so I've just been sticking with my cheapo no-name bells - and they work just fine!

One factor I noticed while KB shopping: at least among the cheapo no-name ones I bought, the handle width and the shape of the kettlebell vary a lot. I looked for ones with a handle I could grip securely in my tiny hands, and one that looked like it would be stable - i.e., wider and flatter on the bottom.

I also haven't tried the AOS training clinic, but I have Providence and found it do-able as a beginner. I still like Lauren Brooks' stuff best of everything I've tried, and her Volume 1 is a great DVD for all levels. I also liked "The Kettlebell Way," which is a solid beginner-intermediate workout.

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Hi Clare - I can't comment on that kettlebell brand, but I can say that I went straight to AOS Providence without getting the clinic DVD. I think The Kettlebell Way is the same workout as Providence, but with form pointers from Anthony.

I've found that there are a LOT of free sources on the Interwebs for video pointers on form. AOS has a bunch of Minute of Strength videos. CrossFit has a bunch of lecture clips of Jeff Martone. Both are good.

I think The Kettlebell Way is the same workout as Providence, but with form pointers from Anthony.

Oh, thank goodness you posted this. I had forgotten about that. Providence and TKBW Vol. 1 are the same. TKBW "Empire State" is different, and that's the one I was referring to. Apologies for any confusion.
One factor I noticed while KB shopping: at least among the cheapo no-name ones I bought, the handle width and the shape of the kettlebell vary a lot. I looked for ones with a handle I could grip securely in my tiny hands, and one that looked like it would be stable - i.e., wider and flatter on the bottom.

I have to completely agree with this one! Speaking from my vast experience :eek: of owning one kettlebell since last week and completing one workout - I have little hands and I would probably have tossed a bigger bell out a window or through the TV. :eek:

I picked up the Danskin 10# kettlebell at my local WalMart (I think elsewhere I said it was 15# but I was mistaken).

I'm going to try searching eBay for DVD's. Haven't tried that yet and if that doesn't work I'll just save my pennies. I think I'll go for the Lauren Brooks volume 1 based on multiple positive reviews here.
Sounds good, thanks everybody. So, consensus is that I don't need to waste my cash on the Clinic DVD and can start out straight with a DVD. Good to know. Although, from what I was reading on the other KB post, maybe I should invest in Lauren Brooks' first DVD.......

Thanks everyone,

Although, from what I was reading on the other KB post, maybe I should invest in Lauren Brooks' first DVD.......

I really like the AOS workouts and TKBW, but I still think Lauren Brooks is my favorite. The production quality isn't as slick as AOS, and it IS her very very first DVD ever, but the workouts themselves are so good that any small imperfections (and they are very small) in the DVD don't matter (to me).

I think it must be something about the sequencing and the exercises in Lauren's workout - it really is well-balanced between upper and lower body, and has a good cardio factor, too. I definitely feel totally worked at the end of it and it's the one I use most of all my KB DVDs.

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