Which Is Harder? MIC or Imax 3???


Hey all,

I just got Imax3 and previewed it last night, wow, and ouch. I just did MIC (Max Intensity Cardio) and again, wow and ouch.
But which one is harder overall? MIC is over an hour long, which I hate. I am a 60 minutes at once kind of gal. Just wondering???Thanks!:)
This is a hard one to answer. I just did IMAX 3 this morning after many months of not doing it. I burned over 500 calories. With MIC, I usually just do the hi/lo portion which is the most intense part of the workout for me (I don't care for the step portion). The recovery periods in IMAX 3 are definitely not long enough for me. I guess I have to take MIC out again and see how I do with it. It used to be my most dreaded cardio workout. With IMAX 3 this morning, I was finally able to do intervals 1, 4 and 7 the whole way through. Why not do a mish-mosh of MIC hi/lo and the IMAX 3 blast only premix (24 mins.) or step only premix (31 mins.)?

Tneah, suggested mish-moshes:

MIC warm-up and hi/lo; THEN
I-Max 3 step-only premix

OR (for the truly masochistic):

MIC warm-up and hi/lo; THEN
I-Max 3 blast-only premix.

Both of these mish-moshes are at about the hour mark on the dot.

Have fun!

Um, is everyone impressed with how I copped Marcy's mish-mosh ideas to the letter and called them my own? I know I am.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

To me, they are both hard in that Imax 3 has some tough intervals but you do get some recovery between each interval. MIC builds in intensity to me and kind of keeps your heart rate up there more steadily as in high intensity steady state cardio! I honestly don't know which I find more difficult!
In other words, they both are gonna getcha! }( And thanks A-J, I think any one of those mish-mosh's might have me seeking an oxygen tank!;) Good grief.
I am not supposed to do high impact with my new hip, but do it anyway, hey, I am only 41, to young to resort to swimming or walking for the rest of my life right?;) I will probably modify some of the more "tuck jump" moves in Imax 3, cause that just doesn't feel natural to me.x(
For me (my perceived exertion) and my Heart rate monitor , MIC wins by a longshot. I burn almost 300 calories/ IMAX3 (more for the original IMAX) and over 500 for MIC. I also have an Accitrainer that I use to view my whole workout on line minute by minute and my heart rate and calorie burn come way down during the recovery periods of all the IMAXs. Then it needs to go back up again during the high intensity intervals and so its not peaked for a good portion of the interval(the heart rate and calorie burn are not maintained during the workout). For MIC, the intensity is maintained throughout with the most burn during the higher intensity segments. So, calorie burn/minute is also higher for MIC according to accitrainer. Sometimes PE can be deceiving, and so I always let my heart rate monitor do the talking to tell me which workout is most challenging and requires more work for my body. PE definitely has a pyschological component to it and sometimes workouts that I think are tougher are actually not.

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