Which is best? aerobic combine with weight or done sperately


I am new with Cathe. I started exercising in Jan. I lost 10%
body fat and I have 6% to go. I was using Kathe Smith and Firm
when I heard about Cathe. Do she recommend aerobic combine with
weight for a faster weight lose or should I do them sperately on
difference days? I need help because it seem like I'm at a stand
still. Maybe Cathe workouts can get me there. Which one of Cathe do you guys recommend? :+

RE: Which is best? aerobic combine with weight or done...

I don't know what Cathe recommends herself but I really like Circuit training type of workouts. But of course that is just me. Like for instance this week I did Circuit Max this morning I plan to do Power Hour tomorrow, then another circuit training tape on Wed. Power Hour again on Thursday then Circuit Max again on Friday. Normally I don't do Circuit Max 2 times in one week but I really want to get my fat burning again and I find that her aeorbics really does the trick for me and upping the weights on my weights days. I only have Circuit Max and Power Hour so I am not the person to recommend alot of Cathe's tapes since I need to get more myself:-( and really want to badly;( but have to wait a little longer.

HOpe I helped you some!:)
RE: Which is best? aerobic combine with weight or done...


Do circuit max have weight training in it workout? What is power
hour, is it mainly aerobic? Thank for your help.

Hi, Meverllyn! Another Annette chiming in!

I don't believe Cathe recommends circuit training over other forms of cardio + weight work, but I am here to tell you that circuit training is awesomely fun, awesomely effective and has a great place in your weekly workout program! I would not recommend relying exclusively on cardio/weight combo workouts, because you want to keep a good variety of types of cardio and strength challenges. IMHO, doing one good kick-butt Cathe circuit routine per week, and folding in other stand-alone cardio and strength workouts on the other days, would be a great shake-up for you.

Cathe circuit-oriented workouts include:

Circuit Max (one of my alltime favorites)

Cross-Train Express Power Circuit (barbell and dumbbell LEG circuits only)

Boot Camp (1-minute cycles of cardio, weighted leg work, weighted arm work and core work; very innovative)

Cardio + Weights (cycles of step, weighted leg work, weighted compound leg+upper body work, and weighted upper body work)

Body Max step circuit segment (barbell and dumbbell leg circuits only)

Do consider, however, getting a variety of Cathe workouts including interval-based cardio (I-Max 1, I-Max 2), Maximum Intensity Cardio, etc.) and her dizzying array of strength workouts (Maximum Intensity Strength, Pure Strength series, Slow and Heavy series, Pyramid Upper and Lower Body, etc.) The variety is key.

Good luck!

RE: Which is best? aerobic combine with weight or done...

Yes, Circuit Max is a circuit training tape with weights and cardio, you have 5 min. of cardio followed my 2 min. of weight training for 6 cycles, it had 2 segments of hi/lo, 2 of kickbox and 2 of step for the cardio and then of course the weights segments mixed in the middle. Power Hour is a muscle endurance tape that is only weights. So far I do not have an all aeorbic workout of Cathe's but Aquajock (aka the other Annette) gave you some good suggestions for those type of workouts too.

Hope we helped you some.
Hi Annette,

It is so good to hear from you, I see you know alot about training.
You recommend circuit max, body max (i believe is all weight)and Imax
etc. I have one question, since circuit max is part cardio and part
weight and body max weight, can you do one the first day and the other
the very next day?

Circuit Max uses light dumbbells, 5lbs and/or 8 lbs.

Body Max starts with about 40 min of pure step workout, followed with circuit training for the legs (leg exercise, followed by step, then more leg exercises etc.) and ends with upper body conditioning where you use medium to heavy weights.

They are totally different workouts with different emphasis.
Hi, Meverllyn! Thanks for your kind words!

Katerchen's descriptions and comparisons of Circuit Max and Body Max are good references. IMHO, you can do them on consecutive days safely; however, to keep a good variety of modes, you may want to do them on alternating days just to keep your body and brain from getting a little jaded with the circuit concept.

I personally do not perform the compound upper and lower body circuits on Circuit Max as it is produced and performed, because my leg muscles can take a lot more weight than my upper body muscles AND because I'm a bit of a klutz with compound stuff. Thus, I do strictly barbell squats, plie squats and lunges during the resistance cycles in Circuit Max, which gives me a better leg-resistance workout as well as, for me, a much better cardio workout. That's the fun of all of this: you can tailor the workouts to your own particular tastes!


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