Which Hardcore is more muscle endurance


I have all of the hardcores but haven't tried them all yet. Which one is more along the lines of endurance. Low weight/High Rep is what I'm wanting to do more now.

Thanks in advance!!!

Muscle Max. Dani, it'll kill you. Haven't I said that to you before?:7 HSC also works on endurance, but because of the cardio and the way the exercises are patterned, it's more of circuit or cross training.

I have Muscle Max and absolutely love it! Don't be afraid, it's fun. I was afraid of Bootcamp too but after doing it, it wasn't so tough (except the Terminator/thrust/torture things).

There's so much variety in MM!!!

Have fun,

I have to say that MM is not as endurance based as ME in my opinion b/c she has a lot of slow counts in there also. I can go much heavier with MM than I can in ME. It has been a long time since I've done ME so maybe that's changed or I'm not remembering correctly.

You're remembering correctly.

Dani is asking about the hardcores specifically, though and I would agree that although MM is not as endurance based as ME, it would be endurance compared to the gym styles.

MM reminds me of MIS because the counts are slower than ME and Power Hour and Cathe is using heavier weights.

I have MM & GSs. I would like to know how I incorporate it into rotation. How much time do I need each day in order to do this kind of rototaion?

My goal is lose fat and tighten up skin.


Thank you everyone!! :D

Candi's right. I was wanting to know which of the Hardcores were like ME or Power Hour.

Thanks again!
Want Fit,
If you want to use GS and MM you could do the following:
T: Cardio
W: GS BSB/Core
Th: Cardio
F: GS Legs
S: GS CT/Core
Su: Rest
One of the cardio's should be interval. If you want more cardio you could tack on a short cardio premix to a GS day. I'm not an expert in this type of stuff, I just play around until I find or come up with a rotation I like. As everyone around here will tell you, it mostly comes down to what you eat in the end....and eating is my problem.

I understand what you were asking Dani. I just wanted to clarify that the endless reps that are utilized in PH and ME aren't utilized as much in MM. It is hard for me to think of MM as endurance although I realize any at home workout is going to be more enduranced based then lifting heavy in a gym.
Thank you so much, Angela. :) I will try it starting next Monday.

I have CTX, HSC, HSAT, HCC. Which is good for Cardio only workout? and which premix is good for shot cardio?

BTW, what's difference between Circuit and Interval?


The CTX series has wonderful short cardio workouts. You could even put two together for one nice, long, intense cardio session. When I was saying interval cardio I was thinking along the lines of Imax, Imax 2, or Imax 3. You could also walk or run for cardio or do cardio workouts by other instructors if you have that option. When I think of circuit workouts I think more along the lines of BootCamp, Circuit Max, the High Step workouts, etc...cardio and weight circuits. If you want more suggessions you may want to post your rotation question on the open board or rotations board then more people would look at your question and you may have several ideas to choose from. Glad I could help a little bit!

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