which DVD's are best for Cardio


New Member
what I am in most need of at this point in my life is cardio so which dvd's lean this way? I need them to at least contain cardio. I've got two left feet so doing step exercises may be a challenge for me. I've been doing the FIRM for over a year and my body hasn't changes at all so I desperately need suggestions...I have a littel fat left but mostly toning to do.

If you like kickboxing or Hi/Lo then you could look at Cardio Kicks/Circuit Max DVD, or maybe the Cross Train Express which has a little bit of everything in it. Though it has weights too. Maximum Intensity Cardio has a segment of hi/lo followed by a short (30 min.) of stepping. Kick, Punch and Crunch and Kick Max are kickboxing with hi intensity bursts ( in Kick Max only).

BTW, I homeschool my boys also. Have been for 8 years now. Glad to have you aboard!!:7

Hope I helped you some!!:7 :D
Thanks for the info. I'm about to wind down my 12th year of homeschooling. My son heads off to college in the fall and my daughter is a JR in college. I'm so glad I had all of those years with the kids, my only regret was waiting till dd was in 4th grade to start. Enjoy your boys.
Did you check out the thread "Results are in!!! Ultimate Guide to Cathe's Workouts"? She categorized all the videos. It was pretty helpful to me for pinpointing what I was looking for in a video. I like the circuit workouts like Boot Camp and Step, Jump & Pump. I like it because I get a total body work out and cardio in the same work out.

Hope that helps.


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