which dvd would help me lose this terrible cellulite from my legs

which aerobic and weight dvds would help me with this problem. I have these dimples under the back of my thighs. And the nagging problem with a pudge stomach. I am 5'7 and 140 pounds, I am not big at all, but I know if I put alot of cardio in it I will get smaller. I have been 120 pounds and was sickly.I had to cut down on my running then. I have been doing leg and upperbody,along with her step tapes. I guess I'm sounding silly, but I'm very confused on this matter. If anyone could help me on this matter It would be greatly appreciate.

Cellulite is fat, you need to do more leg work with weights, like GS legs or Legs & Glutes, or Slow and Heavy legs, if you have any of these DVDs. For the abs use core max 3 times a week. If you don't want to get smaller only more tone. Train one body part per day like the new May rotation that Cathe posted last night. I love GS and Slow & Heavy. Eat Clean, no sugars or saturated fats, or white flour products.

I hope this helps,

thanks Onix, your information was exactly what I needed to hear.I had been contemplating on using Gym style and slow and heavy. I had seen a older rotation where they were using 1 body part a day and the next week using Ps. Do you think I could use GS in place of PS.? Also how much cardio should I do? I am a cardio freak. How much running and stepping should I do? sorry to be a worry wart, but until now I had noone to discuss this with.Thanks for any information.

thanks for helping out a confused exerciser. Also by the way, I have almost all her dvds or tapes if that help any.

Honestly it all depends on your body. I have dealt w/cellulite since I was 16, and I wasn't a "big girl" either. After I got pg with my son, it got worse, it didn't help I gained a little to much weight either. Well I worked very hard after DS, got down to 4 sizes smaller than I was prepregnancy, was in the best shape of my life - could run 6.2 miles, lift up to 45 lbs, workouted out very regularly, eat mostly healthy and still had cellulite. Honestly with my body type I really couldn't have seen how my body could loss much more weight and still look healthy. I say do what you are sappose to do, and don't let it take away from your personal perception of beauty. I hate it when people say it's fat, work hard, it should come off, because it's not that kind of fat. My cellulite had nothing to do with how strong I was or how alletic I was, it's all relative. Cellulite is like scars - it could go away or maybe it won't but that doesn't mean you aren't healthy or beautiful. Anyway my two cents: but if you are interested in a book that is balanced and doesn't promise to get rid of cellulite here is a good one:


I lost a few lbs doing the eating plan, and it's a really great resource book too!
Hi Kim,

If your goals is to build muscle to tone your body, work one body per day, and do not do a lot of cardio, you cannot build muscle if do too much cardio. You may want to work out your legs twice a week and the other body parts, only once. Eat lean proteins with each meal, animal protein are the most complete, this is important in muscle development. You may want to do GS legs once, and Legs and Glutes another day to challenge your leg muscles but not on consecutive days, at least 48 hours apart.
I hope this helps.

Cellulite is hereditary and it's not something you "lose". You can reduce the appearance of it by doing all the good things that have been mentioned but you can never really be rid of it.

Also, drinking lots of water also helps because it makes you flush the toxins that can be stored in the fat cells. It was recommended in last months issue of Oxygen magazine that you do not consume caffeine either.
Hi onix,

thanks for all of your advice. I knew that I could count on the cathe members. I want to tone especially summer coming up,so I don't know if I should do four or five days of cardio. I have Made my may rotation consisting of doing GS upper body one a day and legs only once, but I figure I should put in an extra day. I have core max 3 times and cardio fives times, running three and cathes cardios two days. Also doing the GS upperbody and some of the parts like shoulders are too short, so I added on MIS shoulders. I trying to have twenty minutes or more for each upperbody part. PLease look this over and see If I could make some changes. Everyone feel free to put in your changes.

I really hate to sound like a pain, but I have spent a long time battling on finding a healthy balance. Because I went from big to small and I was unhealthy looking then. I am afraid of both ways so thats why I finding that happy place. I know I sound crazy but you are actually helping me. Well heck I will run out of paper room soon.Ha! Ha!

RE: which dvd would help me lose this terrible cellulit...

I think it was in the "Fit or Fat' book by Baily that you have to get your body fat under 18% to get rid of your cellulite. It proved true In my case... Mari
RE: which dvd would help me lose this terrible cellulit...

My 2 cents. I haven't completely lost my cellulite, but it is considerably less since I've done two things: 1) given up wheat and went lo carb and 2) Cathe workouts. I don't necessarily work only on legs -- mostly I do full body weight routines, but it is considerably less -- enough that I will let myself wear shorts again -- if only in the yard...

Definitely not scientific, but it worked for me.
RE: which dvd would help me lose this terrible cellulit...

Hi Kim,

I am almost 44 years old, and I got rid of my cellulite, I have been wearing a size 2 from Victoria Secret for many years, Ann Taylor 1 or 0, I get a lot of compliments on my legs from other girls, guys too, but they say anything, lol,lol.

Is not that I never had cellulite, I had two kids gain weight, and I was in a very bad marriage, followed by a bad divorce, I gain a lot of pounds, then lost it, all 48 pounds and never gain it back. I started working out with the firms in 1990, I have been doing interval training and weight lifting for a while. I have done the Fitness Made simple and then I found Cathe, I sold the other workouts on E-bay and bought KPC, The IS The HC, etc.

I got rid of cellulite with weight training, but I learned that if you want to gain muscle you have to do less cardio. And train the problem area more. If you don't need to lose weight, then do less cardio 2 to 3 times a week and do more legs. GS once a week, LG and maybe S&H if you have it. I am currently doing P90X Classic rotation Usng GS and IS I added more cardio to get more definition.

I got rid of cellulite, so can you!
RE: which dvd would help me lose this terrible cellulit...

Will you share your exact rotation? I always want to focus more on weight lifting but probably still do a little bit too much cardio. TIA!
RE: which dvd would help me lose this terrible cellulit...

Hi Kim,

You may want to do something like this.

1. GS legs, abs
2. GS chest, triceps
3. Imax of choice and abs
4. Legs and Glutes
5. GS Back, shoulder & Biceps
6. Slow & Heavy legs, abs and 30 minutes of cardio

You will be working all of your muscles but you will work your legs, 3 times in different ways for best results. When you work your legs you are also burning a lot of calories because they are your biggest muscles. Follow this rotation for 3 weeks, then slow down a bit doing cardio circuits, pilates, yoga, for a week, then start another rotation to keep your muscles challenged.
RE: which dvd would help me lose this terrible cellulit...

Hello Logos,

I'm glad you posted this because I just started noticing some cellulite dimples on my buttocks and would like to get rid of it. I think I'll give your rotation (at least the lowerbody part) a try. I like the idea of using the heavy, moderate and lighter weights in one week.

I'm curious about your diet. You wrote that you are 44 and got rid of the cellulite. Did you follow a specific diet - low carb, low fat, etc?

I'm 37, eat pretty cleanly and have been working out to Cathe for years, pretty much matching her on weights, actully going heavier on legs, but this cellulite on my butt (appeared almost overnight, I swear) is really bothering me.

Your feedback is appreciated!


Hi Kim,
>You may want to do something like this.
>1. GS legs, abs
>2. GS chest, triceps
>3. Imax of choice and abs
>4. Legs and Glutes
>5. GS Back, shoulder & Biceps
>6. Slow & Heavy legs, abs and 30 minutes of cardio
>You will be working all of your muscles but you will work your
>legs, 3 times in different ways for best results. When you
>work your legs you are also burning a lot of calories because
>they are your biggest muscles. Follow this rotation for 3
>weeks, then slow down a bit doing cardio circuits, pilates,
>yoga, for a week, then start another rotation to keep your
>muscles challenged.
RE: which dvd would help me lose this terrible cellulit...

I have done a great deal of reading about fitness and experimenting.
Lately I read Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle and Ready, Set, Go, Strong Women stay young, etc. I learned, that I have been doing somethings right.

I eat 5-6 small meals a day, each one includes a lean protein, Vegetables and a small starchy vegetable. Like 3-4 ounces of chicken breast or Fish, some green beans, a small Yam baked.
3-4 of shrimp, Salad, and 1/3 cup of brown rice.
Breakfast, oatmeal, with Whey protein, and ground flax seed, blueberies.

And that is what Burn the fat, feed de Muscle suggest. I don't always eat this clean, I have my bad days, when I go to parties, is very hard. Because most people don't have a clue about good eating and all the choices are bad.
RE: which dvd would help me lose this terrible cellulit...

Oops...my above post was meant for Logos...you answered anyway...thanks!
The only time I really lost noticeable cellulite was when followed the Zone diet, which basically cuts out "bad" carbs - white flour, sugar, etc. I found it hard to stick with though.

A great workout for the back of the legs is PLB - I combined it with 1/2 Low Max and have had serious DOMS in my hams for a couple of days!

Hi Kerrie,

I was really skinny when I couldn't notice my cellulite. I ate no sugar drink protein shakes and ran everyday. Well this left me very unhealthy looking for my height. But now I have gained about 20 pounds, I look better but that cellulite come back on the back legs and the tush. If do cardio as I did and went strict dieting. I would wind up like a pencil. ON the other hand I am trying to keep cardio at a minimum. So how can I cut the visibility of the cellulite and this little pudge in my lower abs? Again I would only have flat abs when I was unhealthy size.

I've always heard that if you wanted flat abs it would be cardio. I wandering if I should except some of these flaws. So how can I remain this size and fix these things?


Yep, I see that someone else has recommended what I will: GS: Legs, Legs & Glutes, Pyramid Lower Body. My personal favorite is GS: Legs -- wow! That'll knock the dimples off your back side! My butt tightened up with just one workout of this DVD (and I only did the standing portion).

Also, for your cardio, I would recommend Lowmax! It is fun, wonderful for the cardio, and awesome for the entire leg!

Don't overdo it, though. I would only work your legs twice a week with these workouts. I'd throw in some lighter cardio and some upper body weight work to keep you proportioned.

For your abs: Buy Cathe's Ab Hits DVD. My favorite ab workouts are the CTX Lower Body abs, and the All Step abs. Power Hour abs provides a nice addition to either of those workouts for an extra added bonus.

And, eat clean, eat clean, eat clean. No soda (not even that diet junk - that's worse than the sugar-loaded stuff), lots of water. Check out the Abs Diet for getting rid of your pooch -- it works. I've lost nearly 10 pounds on this diet already, and wore a clingy blouse for the first time in years the other day (my husband drooled). My abs have always been my problem spot, so for me to feel comfortable enough to put on a clingy blouse means that this Abs Diet thing is working very well for me. Maybe it will for you, too.

Edited to add: the Abs Diet isn't really a "diet", IMO. It's the kind of eating plan I can see myself being able to stay on for the rest of my life. It's the first diet I've tried that really made me feel that way. Much better than WW.
I just wanted to add that WW new core plan diet is, like the ABS diet, a way to eat for the rest of your life.

The points counting plan they have is for the birds, IMO.

What the WW core plan does is give you a list of foods that you can eat. They are whole, unprocessed foods. However, unlike the ABS diet, it's up to the individual to research beyond that list of foods what are most beneficial for health and fitness.

I went to WW with a friend to lose 10 lbs using the core plan. For some reason checking in weekly and having a friend that was doing it too made it easier. Probably because I was investing $$$$$:) :)


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