Which DVD is best to get definition in upper body?

Cathy 2


New to this forum & need some DVD recommendations to get definition in upper body? I have been into fitness & exercise in the past but have taken an extended hiatus since having children. My youngest is almost 3 and now I want to get back into great shape especially for swimsuit season. I'm 5'4, about 112lbs in my 30's. I have Lo Max DVD and Cross train express series.

I definitely need definition in my arms and need to whittle away the fat around the middle area(post childbearing). Any suggestions?
I've had great results with PUB. It has upper body and abs and I think its easy to modify it to use lower weights and build up.
The Upper Body Split on the Cross Train Express series is great for getting definition! I also highly recommend PUB and Power Hour!

For core work I've gotten good results with Core Max.

Good luck to you...;-)
I got great results from both PUB and Gym Styles. The CTX is also great upper body work, although I've only done it as one body part per day.

Pyr UB and the GS series is great. I try to work my UB 3x weekly. Also dont forget about the kickboxing try kick punch and crunch and kickmax. All those punches do wonders for your uB
If you want to see definition, you also need to do cardio (to get rid of that last layer of fat, although your weight is on the low end so I'm not sure of your body composition) and watch your diet.

CTX UB-only is a great workout for upper body. However, if you really want results, you should try to work lower body with weights, too. Recruiting the larger muscles of the body tends to promote the overall fitness level. Therefore, if you're only going for one or two workouts, I'd suggest going for something full-body. Maybe one of the dual workouts, such as IMAX2/C-W, or Muscle Endurance/Boot Camp.

Good luck!
>If you want to see definition, you also need to do cardio (to
>get rid of that last layer of fat, although your weight is on
>the low end so I'm not sure of your body composition) and
>watch your diet.
>>Good luck!

;) Yes, I'm mostly into cardio which is easier& more fun for me than strength training. That's why I'm looking for the workout that gets the Best results for UB. Does PUB have the "fun factor" & motivation for someone who least likes strength training?

I appreciated all the input! Thanks
Pyramid Upper Body is one of my very favorites and I get good results with it. I usually do the Upper Body Only premix and that gets you done in a short bit of time (can't remember offhand how long it is). I'm starting to be able to move up in weights now. I like the music in this and it goes fast.

I've ordered Pyramid Upper +Lower body in addition to preordering Body Max 2 + Butts & Guts to add to my Cathe collection. Can't wait to see the results! Thanks for the suggestions.

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