I like the outfits in Intensity a lot, even though I don't own the workout. I also really like the clothes in Body Max 2. I love the combo of brown and blue.
And yes, I derive a strange, addict's happiness from turning on the DVD player and realizing that I match
Hmmmm... I may have to ask for some FeelFitWear for V-Day.
I went and did it and bought *another* Feel Fit Wear outfit to take advantage of the sale again. Okay, now I really must stop with the buying like, for the rest of the year! Either that, or get a boyfriend who can buy me stuff on V-day. I don't have much time left.
I love the outfits in Intensity too - something about the bright yellow that I really like. I especially like the top that Nancy is wearing and the capris that Cathe is wearing. Hmmm...maybe this'll be my anniversary prezzie!!!