which cathe videos will help tone up?


I'm looking to just tone up and firm up my body. Alot of people say that you won't bulk up unless you're lifting heavy weights in the gym (I think they mean you won't look like a bodybuilder?), yet I see these women on this site here: http://www.fitnessvideofanatics.com/inspirations/WD.slim and here: http://www.fitnessvideofanatics.com/inspirations/AmyFit.slim use Cathe videos and got really muscely. How heavy in weights should someone lift if they want to get a more feminine body? Is there anyway to determine how heavy one should lift if they didn't want to get that muscley?
Well, in my personal opinion, there's some shoulder definition going on, but nothing Arnold-like. Is the shoulder and arm definition what's getting you on these girls? If so, you can easily remedy that by having Ben and Jerry's!! The reason you can see these gals muscles is because they have really low body fat. If you keep a bit more body fat percentage, you can be strong and lean, but have a much softer look. But if you do that, you won't get washboard abs.

So who is your fitness role model? And what did you think of those two girl's lower body?? You can probably still use Cathe to get there, but work at muscle endurance exercises with lighter weights.

Hope this helps...
I agree with the above post 100%. I thought they look awsome and not bulky at all. Like the other post said if you don't want to look like them then eat some Ben&Jerry.
LOL!! It is funny how we all are so different in what we view as "bulky".

These ladies should be role models to you. That muscle helps them every day in all their activities. I will agree with the others again.....just eat some extra Ben and Jerry's. You don't get these ladies' results without strict dedication....to your training AND eating (low fat).

I can tell you for sure that you won't wake up one day and look like these ladies without working on it quite a bit. It takes concerted effort for most of us to get bods like that!!!:) Don't be afraid of Cathe...you can always use lighter weights as well....
I don't know what you are looking at, but those women look phenominal, period. Nothing about them look manly or overly muscular, they look good and FEMININE. If you want saggy arms, stick with ben and jerry's if not, get with the Cathe program and WORK AT IT....
...I suspect that the part of the "look" you don't care for is the low bodyfat. Firm muscle covered with a higher level of bodyfat might be what you find attractive for yourself. Lift heavy, challenging weights with Cathe's videos and maintain a higher % fat than the ladies you showed us and I think you will be pleased with the results. Everyone has different preferences.....

You won't get bulky...promise. If you DO, you can always back it off and let your muscles atrophy by laying around! What could be easier?

What is in Ben & Jerrys? Is there a non dairy or non meat source that's just as good? I guess I'm looking at the way some of actresses and some of the models in Fitness and Shape look... they have some tone, firm bodies to them but not overly done, but you know they have to workout some way. They just have a higher bodyfat?
Girl!!! Ben and Jerry's is the most phenomenal gormet icecream on the planet!!! I'm especially fond of Chunky Monkey and the Kitchen Sink. Yum!!!!

Hey, I suppose that's why I don't have that definition. Hmmmmmmm.... Any pointers on breaking icecream addiction???? LOL!!
Ben & Jerry's is dairy, I don't know of a non dairy ice cream that could compare!!! It is very high in fat, the ultimate fat source! They are kidding around with you, joking that that would be the quickest and yummiest way to eat more fat!

The models in those magazines probably have several things going for them: youth, and good genes. Aside from that, I think you'd be surprised how heavy they probably lift...a common misconception among women is any amount of weight training will instantly transform them into a muscle bound person.

I think if you stick with the total body workouts, like Maximum Intensity Strength, or Power Hour, a few times a week, over Pure Strength and Slow and Heavy, and then do the balance of your workouts in aerobic/cardio, you might get what you want...it depends on your body and how much fat is on it. When people are flabby...sometimes it is from too much fat on their body that they need to burn off to show their muscles. It also depends on how your body responds to weight training. It depends on what you want to change about YOUR physique as well as your fitness ideal.

It has been a long time since I have read Shape but as I remember the models are pretty rail thin and pretty young. I don't know about Fitness. I think when you are young you can get away with less muscle tone and still look good because your fat hasn't started to sag. As you age it becomes clear that your body is either muscle or saggy fat, and to maintain a youth ful look, you need more muscle. Hope this makes sense.

I am rambling, so I guess I will leave off and see what anyone else has to say.


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