Which Cathe Dvds did you first dislike, BUT then LOVED?


I wish I weren't so black & white about everything. x( I seem to get set in my ways/ideas, and then miss out on a lot! lol

I started off Cathe step with her Classics dvd. I first tried Step Heat after running through all 3 w/o very quickly. Right off the bat, I liked Step Heat, due to the music. I was "iffy" on Step Max. And I was determined that I loathed Step Jam's "hillbilly" music, and 1000000 arm movements.

5 mos into it, I now am pretty tired of Step Heat (it's actually my least fave of the 3 now), I love Step Max bec some days I just do NOT want to have to concentrate on choreo. lol But the coolest thing is that I now love Step Jam!!! How weird! I love the choreo (that's saying a ton, coming from this choreo-challenged one!), and the arm movements help to really get my heart rate up there, since the step are so basic. And the hillbilly music is short run, and actually NOT as "hillbillyish" as I first thought. :)

Who woulda thunk? lol

Are there any dvds that you all first "hated", and now "love"?? and why did you feel they way you did vs how you feel now about the routine?
I didn't really like Cardio Kicks that much at first (didn't HATE it though): too much of a space hog, some not-so-great form. Then as I used it more, and adapted it to my space (and just got used to MY having better form than the crew) I really enjoyed it (but don't LOVE it).
I didn't like Pure Strength at first. It wasn't really that I didn't like it so much as I liked every other weight workout better. Well, I've just finished up an eight week PS rotation. It was only supposed to be four weeks, but I liked it so much I extended it. I like the length of the workouts, as well as the speed and # of the reps. I've gotten some pretty good results with this series.

On the cardio side, I didn't much like Kick Max at first. It's still my least favorite of Cathe's kickbox workouts, but I have found some good ways to incorporate pieces of it into other workouts. (I still can't seem to get into the leg work at the end though. I think I just prefer weighted leg work).

Other than that, I pretty much liked everything from the "get go".

RE: Which Cathe Dvds did you first dislike, BUT then LO...

I also did not like Pure Strength when I first started with Cathe, but only because the format seemed really boring to me after doing the Firm. I actually bought them and sold them after trying them only once. I then decided to give Cathe another try after hearing great reviews about the CTX Series. That did it. I fell in love with Cathe's style, bought Pure Strength again, and now I love Pure Strength and everything else Cathe has made.
RE: Which Cathe Dvds did you first dislike, BUT then LO...

I hated powerhour and all of the blast series but now they are my favorite workouts.
RE: Which Cathe Dvds did you first dislike, BUT then LO...

BootCamp...I hated it the first time I did it, but I kept at it and I came to really enjoy it.

RE: Which Cathe Dvds did you first dislike, BUT then LO...

Didn't like KM at first. I LOVE KPC. I found the premix (low impact) is great the other was TOOO MUCH JUMPING!
RE: Which Cathe Dvds did you first dislike, BUT then LO...

That's so funny, it was Pure Strength that I hated first time through and now its my favorite!
RE: Which Cathe Dvds did you first dislike, BUT then LO...

Believe it or not, I didn't like the much loved Legs and Glutes. I didn't think it was tough enough. I think I must have been dreaming. Something there wasn't right with me. I love it now, except for those jumping ( or whatever they called) lunges---I swear I am in for sprained ankles.
RE: Which Cathe Dvds did you first dislike, BUT then LO...

I have a tendency to judge a workout before I actually do it just by previewing it, or deciding from the get go that I'm not going to like it because "I'm not into circuit training or kickboxing." It turns out that I go through phases and right now I'm in a kickboxing phase, so I'm rediscovering all of Cathe's kickboxing workouts and loving them. Some have been sitting on my shelves for years without being opened! That's why I won't get rid of any of my workout DVD's because you just never know!
Legs and Glutes, but only because when I first tried it, I had to do so much setting up and re-setting equipment in my tiny, tiny workout space. After I got the hang of it, and after I switched from heavy weight work to endurance-type work for legs, I used it a lot more.

Also Bootcamp. I don't exactly "love" it, but I like it enough now to put it into my rotations.

I'd like to love Imax 3, but then I'd have to get bionic knees for that.:p

I hated Rhythmic Step when I first got it a few years ago. Recently I pulled it out to try it again and realized I've gotten better at Cathe's choreography over the past 1-2 years so RS was finally do-able for me. Now, I LOVE it! It is so much fun!
It's a lot of fun (and very informative) to read through everyone's responses! thanks!

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has done a 180 on some "not so liked" workouts! :)

Now, if only I could change my opinion of Gym Style Legs. LOL *not giving up totally, though!*

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