Which builds muscle fastest?


Active Member
I am wanting to get some good muscle definition (so my arms look toned even when they're at my sides, instead of having to flex :7 ) , and I want to give myself a kick-start. I plan on using CTX along with Cardio Kicks, IntervalMax, and CircuitMax for my cardio. My question is- which would be the best for building muscle? S&H, PS, MIS, the strength portions of CTX, or a big combination of them all?

I am 5'5½" and 135 lbs, which is within my suggested healthy range, but I need to lose those last 10 lbs to help me see that muscle definition. Can doing just CTX 6 days a week help me do this? (I want to lose those 10 lbs in the next 6-8 weeks, if possible.) My current body fat is 27%, and I'd also like to knock that down to 18-22%, which is in the healthy range...
Hi! There are many ways to go about this but I will just start with this one. I would suggest doing he CTX tapes (cardio portion only) along with the PS series (one tape each per week) for 4 weeks.

Then for the next three to four weeks I would suggest doing Circuit Max, Cardio Kicks, Interval Max, and two days of walk/running(for 45 minutes per session) for your weekly cardio. And do the Slow and Heavy tapes (each tape once per week) for your strength training.

Keep a healthy and clean diet as well, good luck!
I am doing the CTX Series and PS series (3 tapes) once per week. Should I try to include PS Series twice per week (each body part 2 times per week) for better results.
Also do you have another rotation including Power hour and S&H.
I would like to purchase both these tapes but not sure how to include in a rotation. I would like to lose about 5 pounds but increase muscle mass.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-02 AT 10:34PM (Est)[/font][p]Just curious... I just got S&H but don't have PS -
Is there a reason why the rotation recommends CTX and PS rather than S&H.

I was starting my own rotation of CTX and S&H - was thinking of 3/4 weeks of that

My daughter does CTX with me and I do the S&H in addition.

THen is was thinking of the next rotation adding in cardio kicks, circuit max, interval max - for cardio (maybe then I'll get PS)

How could I get PH in? anyone have any ideas

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