Where to start with P90X


I would like to give P90X a try (thanks to all the comments I have heard on here :) ), but I was wondering if I should start with the origianl or if I should go ahead and get the newer release.
IMO you should start with the original. The newer program's work outs are tougher and the Classic rotation of the newer progam has the original X's mixed in. You also need Yoga X and Core Syn from the original X to do ANY of the newer program's rotations.

While I think X+ is definately has more of a fun factor to it, I really think you should start with a regular X rotation first. X+ was meant as a follow up program anyway.

Feel free to email or PM me if you have any questions. I have both programs and am more then happy to help you out in any way I can!

Let us know what you decide!:)
Did you do the P90X rotation exclusively or did you add in other workouts? I have to say I am not a big "rotation" person. I will do GS ,SH, Slo-Mo ect.. for two weeks and then I feel like I just have to change to something else. Although I will be pre-ordering STS and I plan to use that as designed.

Did you feel that it was more intense than Cathe?
I did the original classic X rotation from start to finish (13 weeks) but did add in my own "tweaks". I added a cardio and a leg work out and did some subbing for ARX because doing it 3x per week every week for 13 weeks can get old. I also subbed for yoga x often times because that never changes either. I got excellent results and would recommend the program to anyone who wants to build muscle/gain strength and lean out.

That being said, it doesn't work for everyone. There are plenty of folks who did not like the results they got from the X. I think it's worth the risk though because chances are you will either love it or hate it but to love it is an awesome thing! ;)

The X was extremely intense and yes, I did find it more intense then Cathe's stuff up until now to be perfectly honest. I adore Cathe and love her work outs but the X is different...atleast when done as designed. I think, though, that STS will definately be in line with and perhaps even more intense then the X work outs.

There are also a lot of people who don't like Tony's personality which can also be a turn off and keep people from experiencing what the X has to offer. I happen to think Tony is a crack-up, and a HOT one at that }( so this never bothered me!;)

Hope I helped some!:)

Anything else? :+
Thank you so much for all the info. That is a lot of money to invest in something without checking it out with other Cathe fans. Very few in the video industry can compare to her.

Mindy :)
I just started the 2nd Phase of P90 classic rotation. I have been subbing some of the workouts. I do the weight-lifting segments as is, but I have been substituting legs, yoga and abs. I just need more variety or I'll never make it through 90 days. I must say after my first recovery, yesterday was my first day back to weights, and it was Chest, shoulders & Triceps. The workout didn't seem extremely difficult to me yesterday, but I am definitely feeling it today. I have seen good strength increase so far, and even some definition. Just from hitting my muscles in different ways I'm sure. I agree that some people find Tony Horton annoying. He doesn't bother me all that much. I do roll my eyes every now and then at things he says, but he doesn't annoy me to the point of not being able to do his workouts, lol. Sometimes he even makes me laugh. This is a good time to try P90X in my opinion. I am really looking forward to STS, but will be taking a little break after P90X, before hitting STS.
Oh man, there's something about CST that gets me EVERY time! I always have DOMS for 2 days! Glad that you're seeing results already!! I think Tony's hilarious too.

I subbed in a lot of Cathe's kickboxing for Kenpo, and would sometimes add in one of her leg premixes to work my legs more. For upper body though, nothing's worked for me like P90X (and now X+!).
Since I'm already getting STS, I'm thinking of getting the p90x plus intervals, and the p90x plyometrics and yoga. Can I use the first 2 for my HIIT. How is the yoga? I'm new to yoga. Thanks for any input.

Hi Mary.

Yoga X is looong! 90 minutes. The first 45 is power yoga that consists of lots of repetitions of down/up dogs, sun salutations and all variations of the warrior and triangle poses. It's great for a beginner though because he moves slowly through the poses and the repetition also helps you to get better at the postures. The next segment is all balance postures and the final section is more stretching-some traditional and some more yoga based. There is also a short section that works the abs too. Feel free to break it up and do only one section at a time if you can't do it all at once. I usually just do the power yoga section and call it a day. I've only gotten through the entire work out a few times and I've had the program for over a year now! It feels great once it's done though.
>Thanks Wendi for all your help, Is the plyometrics dvd a
>cardio dvd?

That depends on if you consider plyometrics cardio or resistance. I've seen it categorized as a resistance workout, since you are working fast-twitch muscle fibers and speed and reaction time rather than endurance. Tony's plyos are also slower than Cathe's plyos for the most part, which may make them more resistance training (the resiistance being provided by your body weight and the resistance of gravity). Even the STS workouts are going to include plyos as resistance moves.
I'm doing classic X now. I'm in the fourth week (although I'm repeating week three because I missed a few days). I've definitely realized some increases in my upper body strenght already. I will say, I do not like Ab Ripper X at all. I just dislike many of the moves and find it too repetitive to do several times a week. I swapped out Cathe's Core Max 3 on Saturday - found it to be much more enjoyable and challenging. I know I would not get P90X+, because I've ordered STS, and I only can do so many workouts. We'll see how this thing progresses. Good luck.
> I know I would not get P90X+, because I've ordered STS, and I
>only can do so many workouts. We'll see how this thing
>progresses. Good luck.

I had to giggle when I read this because I ordered P90X+ AND pre-ordered STS within WEEKS of one another PLUS I recently picked up the NROL4W book and plan to give that program a go after I finish my X+ rotation! Then ofcourse, there's also the release of STS to contend with! On top of all of that, I am signing up for an 18 mile race in October so I have to find time to train for that as well!!!:7 }( :7 }(

Yes, I guess you could say that I have exercise ADD!:p

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