I just started the 2nd Phase of P90 classic rotation. I have been subbing some of the workouts. I do the weight-lifting segments as is, but I have been substituting legs, yoga and abs. I just need more variety or I'll never make it through 90 days. I must say after my first recovery, yesterday was my first day back to weights, and it was Chest, shoulders & Triceps. The workout didn't seem extremely difficult to me yesterday, but I am definitely feeling it today. I have seen good strength increase so far, and even some definition. Just from hitting my muscles in different ways I'm sure. I agree that some people find Tony Horton annoying. He doesn't bother me all that much. I do roll my eyes every now and then at things he says, but he doesn't annoy me to the point of not being able to do his workouts, lol. Sometimes he even makes me laugh. This is a good time to try P90X in my opinion. I am really looking forward to STS, but will be taking a little break after P90X, before hitting STS.