Where to begin?


Hi, I'm new here and am looking for some advice.
I'm female and am obese. I have been using my Schwinn treadmill and Airdyne bike since mid January. I've also changed my diet and have managed to lose about 35lbs so far but would like to try one of Cathe's dvds but I'm not sure which one would be a good beginner (and I mean BEGINNER) to start with.
I recently purchased a Total Gym but discovered I have almost no upper body strength. I saw Cathe on the weekend and she was using hand weights in a routine she refered to as "pyramid".
So, to make my long story short....what is truely a beginner dvd that I could try? And I have to admit I'm kind of interested in boxing of some sort but not sure I could do an entire work out. I've been walking around the house going "jab jab cross uppercut".
Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks, Angela
Cathe does have a DVD, Basic Step + Body Fusion, which is geared to the beginner/intermediate. She also has High Step Circuit for Beginner/Intermediate. My first introduction to step was Kathy Smith's Step Workout. It helped me learn all the basics of stepping. It might be a good place to start. Cathe's Basic Step would be good as the next to try. I hope this helps! Just my opinion.
I would like to say congratulations on your hardwork!
The women in these forums are very motivating and supportive and since I'm a cathe newbie too, you'll see how great her workouts really are(should I get out my violin now--lol). Anyway, onto your question, I agree, Cathe's basic step and body fusion is a good one to start with. It's a journey, not a race, take each workout one at at time, you'll be amazed at how great you'll feel from the accomplishment! Once you buy one though, you'll be hooked, I've bought a bunch!
Good luck to you!
Thank you for your response.
It was kind of hard for me to "reach out" and ask that question. I had to be honest and tell everyone that I'm obese. I can't just do any workout. And after looking through a number of the posts I have to admit I got discouraged. I'm probably the only one who is obese (actaully I guess I'm morbidly obese)who has posted any questions and I am probably just kidding myself that I'd be able to do any of the workouts.
Thanks again for your reply.
Don't talk like that, Pekoecat! That kind of negative self-talk is going to hurt your progress. You need to think positively. Look how far you've come so far. 35 pounds lost is a HUGE accomplishment! Losing weight is extremely difficult, so you have already done great things for your health and fitness. Don't say that you'll never be able to do the workouts - you WILL! Just remember that you will need to take it one step at a time. Start with beginner level workouts and as your body adapts (and it WILL adapt), increase your workout intensity accordingly. You will see amazing results. I have seen several people on these boards who have lost incredible amounts of weight, so you are certainly not the only obese person to do Cathe workouts. It CAN be done, and YOU can do it! :D

I would agree with the others that Basic Step is a great beginner workout. It will get you acquainted with Cathe's style, and the choreography is fairly easy to follow. High Step Circuit is another good beginner/intermediate workout. You can make it more of a beginner level by using lighter weights, and lowering the height of the step during leg presses and such. Then, as you increase your endurance and strength, you can gradually raise your step.

You will be just fine - I DO hope that you will post more on the forums so we can get to know you a little better. Anything we can do to help you on your fitness journey, just let us know, okay? :D
You have to think positive first of all, like the little engine who could! I agree the Basic Step workout by Cathe is great for beginners. You can review a clip and see if that would be appropriate. Another idea, collagevideo dot com has all sorts of workouts from beginner to advanced to senior - you name it. You can actually call them and explain your limitations might be and they will give you recommendations on where to start. Good luck and don't give up!!
Congrats on the weight loss!!! Keep a positive attitude!! I agree with the Cathe choices above as well as checking out Kathy Smith. You may also want to check out Leslie Sansone's home walking program...sometimes you can find them at the library.

Good Luck and welcome to the forum!
Taking that first step in just starting to exercise period is the biggest thing, it takes a lot just to do that, you need to give yourself more credit. Let me tell you, if you could be a fly on the wall in any of our homes and see how hard it is for all of us to do these workouts you'd see what a big accomplishment this is for you. I had to hit the pause button a handful of times today, but I know that the more I do them, the less I'll have to hit that button. No matter what workout you decide to start with, the more you do it, you'll definitely notice when you take time off(rest is always necessary)--but say you go on vacation, etc. you will miss doing these workouts because when all is said and done, you will feel great!
You go girl!
Mary :)
Thank you for all your responses and encouragement.
I am trying to think positive but I have "failed" at this a number of times in the past.... I've probably lost and gained 300lbs in my lifetime. It is different this time because I have the support of my husband who is very supportive and has also lost about the same amount of weight as I have. As of this morning's weigh-in I'm down 38lbs.
Oh, and yesterday I was the successful bidder on ebay and won the Cathe Basic Step workout so for less than $7.00 I have the DVD on it's way. I figure even if I do it without the "step" to start - it will just be nice to do something different.
I was fairly athletic as a kid/teen even though I was over-weight and I know I'll never be the "ideal" size (according to today's society) but I just want to be able to do the things I love but haven't been able to do for a long time because of the way I feel about how I look.
The big thing for me is that at the end of June there is going to be a brand new YMCA across the street from where I work and my husband is encouraging me to sign up (we are getting a corporate rate and payroll deduction). So, I hope to be able to get my nerve up to join.
All I know is I can't fail at this again. I was denied by my insurance company to have gastric bypass but I know that if I were to do a medically supervised dr. diet that I would be approved after 6 months. I have decided to try it one more time before applying for the surgery again.
Wow, I can't believe I have opened up like this.
This from a women who's afraid of what everyone thinks of her and wont go to the beach because of the way I look. Maybe this is my safe haven.
Thanks again for your responses - maybe this site will be the extra encouragement I need.
Before I close this - I was wondering what you all think of the "urban rebounder" (or any other mini trampoline).
Thank you. Angela
Angela - this is definitely a safe haven for you. Everyone here is supportive and encouraging - we want everyone to achieve their goals! :)

I'm glad you were able to win Basic Step on eBay - you will like that workout a lot. Just take it slow - if you feel like you are working too hard or can't keep up, just march in place until you can join back in. A lot of us have to modify our workouts when we get too winded to keep up. Oh, and doing it without the step is a great start - you will still be getting a very good workout!

You have already come a long way - never forget how much you have accomplished already. Keep up the great work! :)

I have heard great things about urban rebounder workouts. They are low impact on the joints, and from what I hear, it's a surprisingly effective workout. I'm sure others who have had firsthand experience will chime in here. :)
Hi, Angela -- just take it one step at a time (ha ha). When I first started doing Cathe, I didn't have a step & had never done step aerobics. I just did the moves in my tv room, running around and pretending I had a step. Someone on this forum suggested I put a towel down to give me an idea where the step boundaries would be. If I couldn't figure out the moves, I made them up. :)

Mr. Geek was very overweight & started working out (weights) this winter. He's lost about what you have, slowly and carefully -- but doing his workout 3 times a week without fail.

Before I found Cathe's workouts, I did Gilad's Bodies in Motion for several years. They're lower impact and easier to figure out -- they were great training for Cathe. (I still do his workouts on my easier workout days!).

good luck!!
Hi PKat,
Don't ever feel bad about being overweight. Feel bad about being content with being overweight. I also got started about a year ago with another fitness program and lost almost 50 pounds. Then I gained 15 of it back and that's where I am now. To be healthy I need to lose another 60 lbs. I know my eating habits need some work, but I don't let the fact that I back slid stop me from continuing to try. By the way, I'll be going on Cathe's trip in July and will most likely be the largest person attending, but I feel being there will help me to continue on my path to staying healthy and that's what matters the most. The weight loss will just be an added benefit!
It's a continuing process.....;)

Congratulations on your weight loss and dedication to exercise. I never ever use my Body Fusion DVD and I would happy to give this DVD to you try and see whether you like Cathe. Please let me know by emaileing me at: mgrossatmidway.uchicago.edu
Angela -
Good job! It sounds like you already are doing fantastic! I have a friend who had a gastric bypass, and quite frankly, it scared me. She does okay now, but when she started losing weight, she appeared very unhealthy and clearly was not getting the nutrients she needed to stay healthy. Even today, because of the way her stomach processes food, she has to take prenatal vitamins every day because she simply can't get what she needs from regular food. I think you are doing this the right way, absolutely!

One thing you might want to consider is a low impact routine, if you have trouble with step. I know for some people, especially when they are first starting out, the step bothers their knees until they work up the leg strength. I'm not familiar with a lot of these, but Charlene Prickett (www.charleneprickett.com) has some fun ones.

Also, Jane Fonda has some good beginner to intermediate step workouts. That's where I started! You can get those at video and music stores, and they're pretty cheap - a good test to see if you really like step.

Keep up the good work - you have the IMAX tapes to look forward to!

I have so been in your boat, that horrible self loathing type thinking. I NO LONGER HAVE ANY FEELINGS OF SELF LOATHING ANYMORE AND YOU WONT EITHER.

I have been using this site (mostly reading, posting sometimes) It has been quite a salvation for me.

I myself am quite obese (almost 90 pounds over my "ideal weight in january) Lost about 15 pounds and started with Cathe somewhere around early march. I still cannot complete the workouts and modify quite a bit ( I am very carefull on the hight intensity) But for the first time in almost 7 years I AM SO ADDICTED TO HER WORKOUTS and more importantly to feeling strong.

In a couple months I am slimming down, my endurance has massively increased, and my strength is shocking actually.
I work out by myself most of the time (though my husband has joined in once a week, and my best friend pops in from time to time, mind you both my husband and my best friend are hotties with tiny in shape bodies (and they dont work to hard at it either), so the fact that I inspire them to want to work out is really gratifying. I also do work out with another friend on Friday Mornings - she is a true hard body 48 years old and not an ounce of fat, very sculpted person. At first I really hated it, I am two of her.Now I am still a long ways away but when we did arms last Friday she ran over to feel my arms (bicep and tricep) and yelled "oh my hell" (sorry for the language, exact quote though) you are getting so strong look at those arms. I must say I smile daily from that one comment. Feeling the difference is so amazing.

So, look yourself square in the mirror and commit to change. Smile at your beauty, and remember this is about getting healthy and strong - not conforming to our societies standards, because they are crap and we all know it. Be strong, healthy, and beautiful inside out.
I dont use a mini trampoline, I do use a regular one. I was a gymnast for many years and the large tramp allows me to enjoy some of that old feeling, being that back flips on the ground are just not going to happen right now. If you like it use it, you will never stick with anything you dont like.
Thank you all so much for your wonderful replys. I've been out of the country for a few days and am blown away by everyone's kind words and encouragment.
I will keep you all posted with what I try and how I do. I managed to lose more weight even while away from home. I'm now down 39lbs. I went back home for a long weekend and had a number of nice comments from people who haven't seen me since Christmas.
Again, thank you all for taking the time to respond to my posts. I feel like I have my own support group here.
I'll be in touch.

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