Years ago, I was a good 1 to 2 hour a day exerciser. Mostly toned, pretty fit and Loved my Cathe dvds. Move forward a few years, had a theft of all my workout dvds, stopped exercising (because I hate gyms and my dvds were the last thing to be replaced and they never got replaced
, had another baby, arthritis started acting up and here I am 30-something and unfit. Looking to replace my favorite dvds and wondering if perhaps I need to start much easier
My arthritis pain is mostly in the knees and shoulders with some in the hips and I have been told that if the muscles get stronger the pain will be less. I saw the low impact series which seems perfect in some ways (I still walk and bike everyday - my bike and feet are my car
Years ago I just loved my muscle workouts with Cathe - I think the ones I used were like the gym style and something to do with pyramids - haven't searched through the whole site yet. I know my form, I know the weights to use, but I wonder if my joints will protest this type of workout now. Is there anyone out there who suffers from joint pain of some kind and has comments or suggestions? I need to get fit again (my baby is now 2, my son runs 5km all the time and my daughters' idea of a good mom/daughter time is dancing to the games on the Kinect (or Wii) (well that or marathon shopping - at least I can take a break during dance games
. I should mention on bad days when I was exercising I would do a short low impact cardio and then work the muscle group of the day - usually with lower weights if the problem area was included - then the pain was in the fingers and knees mostly - so only lower body days and cardio had to be modified. Thanks for any and all suggestions.