where to add circuit max into my rotation


I am currently doing a PS rotation. Circuit max/cardio kicks dvd is being shipped now. Can I do it and my PS at the same time? or should I wait until I am done with the PS rotation?

Here is my workout schedule

Su: 30 min cardio and PS CTS
Monday: IMAX or other cardio
Tue: PS legs
Wed: rhythmic step
thurs; 30 cardio and PS BBA
Friday: off
Sat: firm super cardio (with only 3lb weights)

I want to give my muscles enougth rest for PS. Can I do Circuit Max with light weights for toning?

I am also thinking of just doing circuit max on thursday and forgetting about ps bba. for some reason it is my least favorite of the PS series.

Thanks for any input.

I use the same weights as Cathe in Cicuit Max and at the end of the session I am dripping. To me it is definitely more aerobic than strength so I would never count is as one of my strength training days. OUCH Is right, what a workout! I like it because for such a hard workout it seems to go quickly because your just doing those 5 minutes of cardio, and then switching to the weights for a couple of minutes. That switching really fools the mind, I'm always surprised when the hour is up.
thanks guys

you answered my questions. I will try it saturdays instead of super cardio. Glad to know it is more cardio than strength.

RE: thanks guys

Hi, I was just going to suggest substituting Circuit Max for Super Cardio. I have both tapes, and CM is several notches above Super Cardio in all aspects!

:) Stacy
Also consider inserting Circuit Max on Thursdays or Saturdays, using ONLY a heavier barbell and focusing on leg circuits (squats and lunges, steady tempo or pulsing holds), rather than compound multi-muscle stuff. Superior cardio AND a fair amount of leg muscle conditioning.

I LOVE Circuit Max!! It really rocks!!!!!! I do use light weights (5 & 6lbs.). By the end of the workout I am dripping. It gives me such a feeling of power to FINALLY finish this one. I agree with that it is more cardio than strength and by the last 2 cardio sections (the step part) I am pleading for the END!
This is how I use CM, as a second leg workout. This tape ain't for sissies!!!!!!!

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