Where should I begin?


I have just discovered Cathe and was wondering what a good video to start with would be. I have been using the Firm tapes for years and do mostly step for cardio. I've been using Step Reebok and Charlene Prickett. I'd like to get a bit more intense. I need to lose some body fat and increase my muscle mass a bit, but not too much, because I tend to bulk up very easily. Any suggestions? Please help.
Hi Lynda: I asked the very same question myself a few weeks ago and everyone was very helpful, so I'd like to repay the favor. I was doing a lot of Firm videos too, and thought I was hot stuff, so I bought Maximum Intensity Cardio. Needless to say, I ended up lying on the floor trying not to pass out. :)

The one that really worked for me was "Step Heat." It's pretty intense, but you can modify it by using a lower or higher step. And it's also good because it has an ab section.

I'd give that one a try if I were you and see where you stand in the Cathe continuum. If it's too easy, you can move on to the harder stuff.

Circuit Max or IMAX.. Those are great transitions I think when coming from The Firm. Circuit Max you will love and IMAX you will learn to love!! Both of these tapes are a MUST!!!
I think any of the step tapes would be a great start, although some people had trouble with the choreography of Rhythmic Step, myself included. But it's one of my favorite tapes too. My first tape from Cathe was Step Jam. I like Step Works, too.

Then I would recommend one of the weights-only tapes like Power Hour or Maximum Intensity Strength.

And then, what the he!!, since you get a quantity discount, get one of the tapes with lifting and cardio like BodyMax or CircuitMax.

My opinion, from my soapbox, to you, free of charge!

Susan G.
hi Lynda! i too just recently started doing Cathe. i've done Firms and was mainly a gym junkie. i began with cathe's PS series. i find them an awesome place to begin. i "watched" power hour the other day and good god!!! cathe's a beast!!!! that's why i like the cathe videos, its like having your own personal trainer!

just my two cents worth. ;-)
Hi, there! Another Lynda. If you have been stepping for awhile, I'd go with Step Heat or the Wedding Video.
Please do not be intimidated by the "Cathe's a beast" comment in relation to Power Hour. I think Power Hour is a great video for Cathe beginners who are used to the Firm because it uses high reps and lighter weights, which I understand is also common to Firm videos. Please try Power Hour for your Cathe strength selection. You will not be sorry!
Linda aka Cruncholi

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