Where do you workout............

We have a very old, historic property that has a separate little outbuilding that used to be the creamery back in the day. It's solid brick so it stays somewhat cool (not very) in this heat. I have made it into my gym. I have boxing equipment, little TV/video and a DVD player, a treadmill and A BOX FAN:7 Total privacy so I can look like an idiot during Turbo Jam and not worry about it!!:p
I workout in my basement where I basically transformed it into a home gym. I have an elliptical, (mostly used by my mom, but I do sometiems) and flat screen, wieghts and weight holder and everything else down there. iz alot more quiet and no one bugs me down there!!

Thanks guy for all the suggestions!

DD that live out of town, thinks I should make the other DD room into a workout room, the DD that lives here, has an apartment and really has no need to stay with us, but I want them to allways feel like that have a place to come home to. When first DD moved out, before we got home the younger DD had already moved half her clothes into her sister's room! That didn't go over to well with first DD, but it all work out.

I forgot about the office/closet :7 Ummmmm.............I'll have to do some measuring today when I get home, I think that room is 9 x 8 or something like that. How much space do you think you need to make all the triple turns, cha-cha's, pivoits and grapevines? Hey do cathes dvd's play in a computer? Anyone try this, I might be on to something here! Oh my DH it gonna love me ;)
I work out in the den. I move the ottoman, the cat and dog out of the way and pull out my step and away I go.

If it were me, I'd change in town DD's room over to an exercise room. Take the bed out and get an air mattress. When out of town DD brings a friend, just blow up the air mattress and voila, you have another guest room.

Then - big change - redecorate the other room so that it doesn't belong to either DD. They don't live home anymore and if you ever have other guests, you want your other guests to be comfortable. So just let the two DD's know that they are welcome to stay over anytime, but all the rooms now belong to you and DH. :)

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
in my living room aka toddler toys r' us ;)

“In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better.” --Ellen Degeneres
In my basement. It's unfinished and could be a little brighter, but plenty of space. My husband has one side and I have the other. Or should I say the washer and dryer, my daughter, and I share the other. It works out really well. I have an old kitchen table down there for my daughter (6) to play her play-doh and messy stuff while I'm working out. It's kind of an incentive for her to come down with me. And I get the laundry done at the same time! :D

I have devoted one of the bedrooms in my house just working out. I have an entertainment center with a DVD player and tons of Cathe's DVDs. I have a Step, free weights, barbell, exercise ball, resitance band, and a yoga mat. And for insperation I have surrounded the walls with pictures of girls from magazines like Muscle and Fitness Hers, Oxygen, and Fitness RX. :7
One bedroom has a Bun & thigh rocker machine, & a Ab scissor machine. Another bedroom has a treadmill, & a weight lifting machine. I do cardio in the living room in front of tv.
I use my laptop for my workouts - and cathe plays just fine in it. I put it on the edge of the mantle. The fireplace faces the tv room, but the laptop is on one end facing into the dining room (it's an open floor plan). So, I have the entire dining room/entryway for space. I use the "hall" closet (there is no hall, just the open floor plan w/closet along the wall by the door) to store everything. There's a rack for dumb bells and then I just slide my step & high step in along the side of it. Oh, and the barbell just gets taken apart and stacks nicely. It takes about 2 minutes to get everything out or put away :)

For years I worked out in my basement, weights only and always did my cardio in the family room.

We recently added on to our house and I now have enough room to workout in my bedroom, which I'm loving!

I do my step ups floor cardio and weight training in the family room, then my cardio, treadmill, stairclimber and other cardio machines in my extra bedroom I call my weight room. I store my weights there. Then I try to do chin ups on the bar in my kitchen.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
Right now I use the other bedroom, which doubles as my office. DH has a weight bench in the basement, but I do weights upstairs and just use my stability ball as a bench. We have a treadmill in the basement and I'd love to turn the basement rec room into my workout room, but the ceilings are just too low - no jumping w/ hands over the head and DEFINITELY no using the high step! :(

I'm not sure what I'll do when we eventually have kids and I have to give up the office room . . . . . I used to use the living room in our old apt, and it was a PAIN to hide/camoflauge all of my equipment!
Boy, people are resourceful here!

I live in a split-level townhome with a finished lower level carpeted with Berber, so that's my workout area. It has two newer couches that (don't laugh) I cover up with two old sheets (matching sheets, though) so that I don't spray sweat all over them. Have a TV with my beloved 5-disc DVD changer in it, and an old audiocassette / CD boombox for the do-it-myself stuff. I have to hike out the standing lamp, and lay (don't laugh again) an OLD Turkish throw rug on the floor so that I don't funk up the Berber. My equipment is spread out between two downstairs closets.

The ceilings are pretty good for height, although we do have a glass-and-brass ceiling light fixture right in the center of the room that I whacked one night when I was doing those flying vertical jumps with big arm circles in a Circuit Max routine.

I work out in the family room also. It is pretty big with vaulted ceilings, plenty of room to go vertical!

I've thought of converting my son's old BD to a workout room but the ceilings are lower and there is a ceiling fan that I'm afraid I may tangle with.

One of these days, I may put a treadmill in there if I ever decide to get one.

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