Where do you workout............

.......in your home? Right now I workout in my kitchen. I have a small kitchen tv with a built in vhs. I bought a cheap dvd player and put it in the cabinet above the tv. Everything is in its place.
It's nice having the tv/dvd in the kitchen I also watch the food network and tlc alot while I cooking.

I have been thinking about turning one of the two empty bedrooms or a formal dining room, that never get used, into a workout room. I just hate giving up a bedroom. I have two dd 25 and 23 that no longer live at home. One dd lives out of town and the other lives in the same town that we do, so one room is hardly ever used. I just hate giving up a bedroom, the one dd that lives out of town sometimes brings guest home with her. The rooms are about 10 x 12 and it would be hard to keep the full size bed and have enough space to workout too. If I used the dining room I would have to have two door put up.
I don't know what to do, I guess for know I just keep workout out in the kitchen, any thoughts? Sometimes on the mamba cha-cha-cha's I end up in dining room anyway, lol :p
If you converted one of the bedrooms, at least you could be sure at least one dd would not be able to move back in...;)

Susan L.G.
I work out in our finished basement. It's a playroom/fitness/movie room in one. I exercise after the kids go down for the night usually by 9pm and can still be as loud as I want and step to my hearts content.
Our new house has a HUGE family room with high ceilings. I hijacked 1/2 of it for my fitness area. :D


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
One of my daughters moved out recently. I moved her bed completely over (the room doesn't look that nice) and now there's plenty of space to exercise. The bed is still available when she does come home (which is often) but now I also have a "neat" and "private" space to workout in.
I workout in my family room. It's kind of a pain in the butt because I put everything away each day. Can't stand it when I don't.
I work out in the family room, because that's where the TV is. I only have to move one chair and pull my step into the center of the room.
Outside on my covered/screened patio. Climate control is a b@#$# but it was nice watching a full moon rise this evening as I did Body Max.
In the family room. I agree with Elaine that it's a pain to have to drag everything out and then put it all away but that's what I have to do. My family room is small and there isn't enough room to leave it all in there, not to mention that I don't want my family room to look like a gym.
In the living/family room. Yes, it's a big pain to have to drag everything out, but I figure it's an even bigger pain to trip over #20 dumbbells!!
DH has it all planned out that when we move (hopefully within the next 2 yrs or so) that we will have a basement in which to make a nice big workout room for me (we don't have basements in Florida). He even is planning on saving one of our extra TVs for that purpose!!!

The space issue is the biggest reason why I haven't purchased a barbell set for now. Next on the shopping list, a compact rack for the dumbbells!
In the living room. I just installed a flush fan so I don't have to move my aerobic step cube all the way back to the kitchen edge anymore.
Typically my workout space is in the basement/laundry room. It's a nice bright space with an antique cabinet for my little TV with VHS and a portable DVD player, the floor is puzzlemats over concrete. Since I've started running I'm outside way more and do my cool down, abs and stretch on the patio. I've also done a lot of yoga outside this year. I love exercising outdoors, one of life's pleasures:)

Take Care
I have exactly two rooms in my apartment : Small and Not Small ;) .

I work out in my Not Small room. :*

As for your DD situation, if my mom were to make my room back at home into an exercise room, I'd think it's totally cool and I'd be thrilled for her. Course, I'm 36 now, so I've been gone a while, and your DDs are fresh out of the nest :).

You might bounce the idea off them and see what their reactions are? Certainly you wouldn't want to make them feel like "Welp, bah bye!" but, especially to remake the room into something that is so good for you...geez, actually, I'd want to move back in to take advantage of the new workout space! :7
In my basement. One room is finished and mine.The other two rooms have the cardio stuff and a big tv(I made him buy it. )You can't get on an eliptical and have no tv.And the other room has his big weight bench and stuff in it.All this crap would never fit in my living room.It keeps acumulating? more....
I work out in our living room. I have to lug all my equipment and weights from the attic (the pre workout) but I have plenty of space. Of course the MS also uses the room to play guitar and record music so sometimes we have to negotiate who gets the space when...
I workout in a spare bedroom that is both the workout room and an office. It's getting a bit cramped because I keep buying more workout equipment. My dream would be to build a separate building in my yard to use as my workout space. I have a huge yard so space isn't a problem..unfortunately money is.
We have an extra bedroom on the first floor that we use for a laundry room/storage room/computer room/work out room! LOL It's a small room but it is the busiest one in the house!:p
In the living room. Each morning I move the coffee table out of the way, take my step out from behind my entertainment center, and my barbell out from behind my couch (if it is a weight day). Yes, it is a hassel to move things.


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