where do you put the circuit workouts?

HI, this is for anyone,

First of all, I've been reading the forums for awhile and I'm really impressed with how everyone encourages each other and gives advice. I remember some of the gyms I've belonged to over the years and people could be so unfriendly, like if they helped you, you might end up in better shape. fitness was a big inside secret.

anyway, some of the threads i've read recently talk about cardio vs. wgt training and the great results people have with decreased cardio and increased wgt. training.

My questions is if you do wgt. training one day then cardio the next- where would you put a circuit workout like drill max? which I LOVE!

I really want to try wgt. training more to increase muscle for increased matabolism, but like some of you I'm afraid of doing less cardio. I have visions of being like eddie murphy in the nutty professor: buddy love one minute, no cardio! BOOM then professor klump the next. of eddie looks way better in spandex then I ever did!

any ideas would be great. thanks
Hi, welcome to the forums. I'm sure you'll get plenty of good advice here.

As far as circuits go, you could do a 2 day split like the Pyramids and then a circuit later on in the week with cardio in between. So it would look like this:

Monday: Pyramid Upper Body
Tuesday: Cardio
Wednesday: Pyramid Lower Body
Thursday: Cardio
Friday: Circuit
Saturday: Cardio

or you could do two full body workouts (like Muscle Max, Muscle Endurance, MIS) and one circuit

Monday: Full body workout
Tuesday: Cardio
Wednesday: Full body workout
Thursday: Cardio
Friday: Circuit
Saturday: Cardio

or if you really like circuits, just do 3 circuit workouts a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, with cardio in between).

For many of us, including myself, we have found quite the opposite, that less cardio and more weight training has helped us. You have to find what works for you. Cathe's circuits do burn a lot of calories but I also found that I ate a lot more when doing circuits because they made me so hungry.

thanks so much for the ideas!

your first suggestion is kinda what I thought I might try.

I know more weight training is the way to go to really see a change, most of the fitness web sites and trainers agree.

I'm looking forward to Cathe's new split tapes she working on, I'm holding out on getting gym styles to see what these new ones will be.

I'll just have to go for it!!
Currently, I am training heavier and harder during the week--doing the "X" , and then on my easier days I do cardio and on either Saturday or Sunday I choose a circuit workout or one harder, higher impact workout.
Every Saturday. I lift at the gym 3X a week, do cardio at home & gym 5-6X a week, & circuit once a week.
I like to use circuits on a day, that for what ever reason, during the week I was a little short on both my cardio and weight lifting goals so I do a circuit which covers both.

I count it as total body workout.
I will either use circuit days alternating with cardio workout days, or put a circuit in a week when I've already done upper and lower body weights and cardio (on separate days) and use the circuit just to round things out).

When I'm really time crunched and don't have as many days to workout in a week (3 or 4 max), I may make all of those workouts circuits (but not on consecutive days).

I think it's good to mix things up, and doing a week or two of just circuits and cardio is a good way to do that.
> I really want to try wgt. training more to increase muscle
>for increased matabolism, but like some of you I'm afraid of
>doing less cardio. I have visions of being like eddie murphy
>in the nutty professor: buddy love one minute, no cardio! BOOM
>then professor klump the next.

Why not try something like this:
Day 1: 15 minutes cardio as an extended 'warm-up,' followed by lower body weights
Day 2: cardio (interval workout)
Day 3: 15 minutes cardio 'warm-up' followed by upper body weights
Day 4: cardio
Day 5: cardio and weight circuit workout
Day 6: stretch/yoga
Day 7: off

That should give you sufficient cardio while incorporating weights
You all are really great for responding!

to try the wgts 1st then cardio theory: I'm going to do:
Day 1: LB wgts then 20-30 mins cardio
Day 2: cardio interval training
Day 3: UB wgts, 20-30 mins cardio
Day 4: cardio
Day 5: circuit: gotta get that drill max in!!
Day 6: total body wgts (muscle endurance)or yoga if I'm feeling over trained.
Day 7: rest

After a month or so I'll keep you posted on my results.

thanks again for all the ideas!!
> Day 5: circuit: gotta get that drill max in!!
> Day 6: total body wgts (muscle endurance)or yoga if I'm
>feeling over trained.

I wouldn't necessarily put these back-to-back, since they both include weight elements, unless you plan to go really light on the weights during Drill Max. You could rearrange like this to avoid this:
Day 1 : LB wts and cardio
Day 2: upper body wts and cardio
Day 3: cardio interals
Day 4: circuit
Day 5: cardio
Day 6: total body weights
Day 7: rest/stretch
I am currently taking a break from circuit workouts and doing all cardio or all weight days.

I do plan, however, to begin to incorporate at least one circuit day into my rotations during the first week of July.

I found myself wanting to do Low Impact Circuit all the time.

I just love that workout!
Hi Marcy,

I like to put circuit in between Thanksgiving and New Year's. I do circuits 2 or 3 times a week and cardio 2 or 3 times a week. It keeps my metabolism revved for all the holiday treats. I also like circuits after I'm sick or have gone on vacation and missed a few days to a week of working out. Circuits are fun and High Step Training Advanced is my favorite. I do a combo from that DVD that I read about here.

This is it: 1st do the warm-up. Next do the all cardio cycle. Next do the cardio and lower body only cycle. Then, if you have any energy left do the cardio and upper body cycle. Finally, end with the cool down. This is intense!

Is this too much cardio? This is what I did this past week felt like I Kicked some butt!!!!!!!!!
Mon Drill Max
Tues Hardcore extreme HI intervals and leg conditioning drills
Wed Supersets 75min premix
Thurs MIC
Sat BM2 scrambled eggs premix
Thanks for looking

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