Where do you get rid of your old books?


Other than donating to a library, how do you get rid of your old books? I have a HUGE box of books that I nede to toss, but nobody seems to want them. I can't find a used book store and the local Salvation Army doesn't want them. Any ideas?
Do any of your local schools (esp. private), churches or civic organizations hold annual yard sales? Where I live they do, and some of them accept donations year round.
You also might try your local Hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living places. I know our hospitals have reading carts that the volunteers take around to the patients.


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
If the library doesn't want them, you can possibly find a used book store to sell some of them to. If you can't find someone to donate them to, as others have suggested, as a last-ditch option, be sure to recycle them (our local recycling takes books in their paper recycling).
I have donated books to Goodwill and Amvets. Amvets is an awesome charitable organization. They even come to my house to pick up!!

Another option is to check with local churces. Sometimes they have things put away for families who are victims of fires who need all sorts of items. The books could become a comfort to someone who's lost everything.

Does your town have a shelter where women sometimes stay? Those kind of places might like some books on hand.

Is there a "Freecycle" group in your area?
I didn't know the answer to this yesterday but I think I do today.

You take them to a charity auction where my dh buys them and brings them home and I have to decide what I'm going to do to get rid of old books.:+

What kind of books are you getting rid of?

Do you have any Ruby Jean Jensen books in your batch?
I would love to get some!!Or even V.C.Andrews Im looking for Celeste and Child of Darkness...

Just thought I'd ask!
I did a quick google of used book stores near Peabody, MA. According to switchboard.com, the closest book stores are in Cambridge, MA. They are:
Harvard Book Store Inc 1256 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, 02138 - (617) 661-1515
Bryn Mawr Book Store 373 Huron Ave, Cambridge, 02138 - (617) 661-1770

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