Where do you get all this information?


New Member
Where do you get all this information?

I am looking for a 45inch step. I am hearing all these places (that I've never heard of before)are selling them for cheap… I'm just wondering how all you guys know exactly how much all these different places are going to. In a previous post someone mentioned how Sports Authority had a Spartan Step for $50, so I went to Sports Authority's website, and typed in Spartan, got no results, typed in Step, got stair steppers…

Is there a site where I can find a listing for all the prices for steps or something? Or can you guys just tell me where you have seen them for cheap?

Thanks for any help at all!

The best way to look for information on aerobic steps is to go to the web site and type in the name of a particular sports store. For instance, go to www.thesportsauthority.com to check out the Spartan step that's unsale for $50. Click on "Fitness" which is found under the heading "Browse The Store." Then click under "aerobics" under the heading "Browse Aerobics", then click "aerobic steps." That should bring up all the aerobics step that Sports Authority sales. Hope this helps

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